Secret Valentine

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Summary: If only he had enough fuel to jump to the next planet. But maybe it was fate that landed him here.

Warnings: None

+ Reader is twenty-four in this +

Word Count: 3634


Sounds of thunder reached his ears as soon as had he stepped off of the Razorcrest.

The dense forest absorbed most of the sounds, it's large barked trees with ample amounts of leaves for cover, but it made him nervous for it seemed to echo all around him. Of course, the little green womp-rat had decided it was time for him to try and have a go at piloting the ship. Breaking about three stabilizers in the process and now the ship was temporarily lopsided. In the cargo hanger, you felt as if the world was tilted to the right and on the bridge, he thought he was leaning to the left.

Dragging in a sigh he looked down at the small being who had caused this whole mess in the first place. He seemed totally uncaring as it began to look and discover new rocks and plants as it wandered away from the slightly peeved Mandalorian.

Shaking his head he called for the child to follow him as he trekked towards the ruckus that was the city of Dazotania. He was fairly surprised to have landed here, he recognized the large tower in the center of the city-- only having remembered it in silly rumors.

The Unknown Regions always held surprises, he guessed.

Weaving through the large oak trees and dense groundcover he unearthed a truly... unique sight.

Pink chalk bombs were thrown into the air, the thundering crack sliced through the air as it exploded above all those celebrating under it. Arms flailing like hysterics and people dancing like they forgot how to stay still. 

Oh boy.

Riots of all shades of pink assaulted his eyes as everyone seemed a little too hyped up than they should have been. Large heart balloons hung like monstrosities above shops and some were even on the famed capital building in the town.

The masked man's eyes devoured in the sight like he was a starved man. He doesn't think he had ever seen so many... happy people in one place like this. Music blared from the large hovering speakers as thousands of people danced in the streets hover cars even sometimes paused to look at the sight as the citadel monstrosity had streamers of red and vivid pink decorating the great domed building. 

Everything from flowing silks to the heart hot-air balloons made the ex-Bounty Hunter's jaw slack more and more as it sunk in.

There was one thing he was more sure of than anything in his life, these people were downright obsessed with whatever this strange holiday this was.

Puffing out his chest the taciturn man started into the crowded walkways, making sure the child didn't stray too far away from him. It should have been a quick in-'n-out. Get the materials he needed then he should be out of this strange phenomenon.

Shouldering his way through the crowd he had the most excruciating experience of having to watch happy goers kiss their loved ones. Couples with smiles on their faces as their significant other stared back with as much or more admiration.

It was slightly sickening.

Women had their hair done up in frilly ways, some even had died it bright pink or vibrant red to show their dedication to this strange holiday. Over the top hats were worn as well as multiple had hit his face as he tried to squeeze his way past them.

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