Chapter 7-Scourge of the seven Skies

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(The guards wouldn't stand a chance, right?)

What's up everybody and welcome back to another Mysticon adventure. Now this and the next chapter, I think they will be my saddest chapters, because of what happened. Anyway, let's go now. It's magic...

(Ark: Hey, don't steal my catchphrase.
Me: Okay, okay, calm down Arkayna, jeez. But what else I can say ?
Ark: I believe you can find something better.
Me: If you say so.)

And now beware, because we're ready to sail into the adventure.

What else I can say, another morning, another problem, another adventure. We wanted to wake up Zarya with some music, but she doesn't get of that. So she left the palace, but where she would have gone? To the Undercity maybe?

When the noon had come and we were coming back from our Mysticon patrol to the Magi Mall, finally.

Em: Keep your eyes open for sky pitates. There have been three raids that happend this week already.
Ark: Worry they gonna steal your twenty pairs of wolfsocks ?
Em: They were on sale.
Piper: Woah girls, check this out.
Ark: A pirate raid? On my balcony?
Me: ' Arkayna, Arkayna, this isn't the pirate raid. But it doesn't mean it won't come.'

(Kitty: Wait a second. You already knew all that. Then why you didn't told them?
Me: First, do you think Zarya would believe that?
Zar: True.
Me: Second, I wanted the plot to stay the same.
Piper: I agree, you can't really know what will happen if you change the plot.
Ark: You can't know? You can't know? Do you know how many problems we could have solve if we had changed the plot? *sigh* I think I'm going to move to the moon.)

Have you ever done a party at one of your friends houses, without him knowing it? It was the same thing, but I didn't wanted the party to stop.

Ark: Excuse me, this is royal propetry.
Mal: Woo-hoo.
Me: Hey, what are you doing here?
Mal: Who me? I got a glyph, there was a mega party on your balcony.
Ark: A glyph. From who?
A crew member: Heads up you scurvy foz.
Me: I've got it. Gotcha.
Piper: Choko. Who threw this party buddy?
Choko: Chriip.

And of course it was Zarya who did all this, with her old best friend, Kitty.

Ark: Zarya?
Em: Isn't that hurting her neck? Or head? Or everything?
Me: Maybe, but when you start doing it, you can't stop it.
Ark: Seren, stop dancing. We have an emerge situation.
Me: Fine.
Zar: Princess, gang, meet Kitty Boon, captain of the pink skulls. We were sky pirates, back in the good old "bad" days.
Kitty: When Z-star said her pal was a princess, I thought she meant you were stuck up, not a real princess.
Zar: Eh, kinda both.
Ark: Charmed.
Kitty: Likewise.
Ark: Aouch.
Zar: And Piper, meet my original partner in crime. We've been best friends for like...
Zar and Kitty: Forever.
Piper: Nice to finally meet ya.
Kitty: And here comes my little bro, Kasey.
Kasey: Hello ladies, how is it going? The name is Kasey Boon.
Em: Oh my goblin.

Me: *whispering* I can't believe it. Does Emerald Goldenbraid fall for a cool pirate guy?
Em: *whispering* No, how do you know I'm falling for him? How do I know you aren't falling for him? But if you're falling for him too, stay away from him. Find your own cool pirate guy.
Me: Alright, it's all yours.

Zar: Woah, Kasey. You have grew up more from the last time we met.
Em: She better back down because he is mine.
Mal: Hey, flyboy, you missed a button.
Kasey: Oh, thank you for reminding me that.

Em: *whispering* Now I'm dying from his handsomeness. What I'm going to do?
Me: *whispering* You just need to relax and do the classic method.
Em: To kick him?
Me: No, the classic method for talking to crushes, just be yourself. Now go and get him tiger.

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