Chapter 13-Skies of Fire

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(If someone wants to try me, then come here and challenge me.)

What's up everybody and welcome to another Mysticon adventure. I hope you are ready for this one, because we are going to recreate some broken bonds. Anyway, let's continue.

This night we took  a break from searching for the condex and sat under the beautiful, full with stars, night sky. With this view, some snorgballs and good friends what else do you want.

Ark: What an amazing view.
Zar: Nah, I've seen better.
Piper: Oh, check it out. Look all those shooting stars. Let's make some good wishes. I wish for a pegasus and a boom-box. Or maybe...
A yellow foz: Chiiirp.
Piper: Oh, hi little guy. And other little guy.
Me: Wait, this is Jessica's old fluster.
Jess: Chiiirp.
Ark: Right, it's foz season.
Zar: Most annoying time of the year.
Choko, Jess and the others: Cirrrp.
Me: Sorry Zarya, but this is how life goes. The foz find their mate, they live together for a life, they have little fozes and then their little ones do the same. This is the circle of they life.
Zar: See, they steal our snorgballs. Hey, come back here.
Me: You know, a little sacrifice of your food isn't bad at all.
Piper: Oh, can I change my wish? I wish it was always foz season. They're so fluffy.
Zar: And so annoying. Ugh, catch them boy.

Now Choko was against the fluster, but he wasn't focusing on taking the snorgaballs back, but on something else. Or better on someone. But the fozes got away terrified of something behind us.

Zar: Way to show who is the boss.
Ark: Eh, I don't  think Choko scared them off.
Me: You better have a good view too.
Piper: I didn't wish for that.
Zar: Take cover.

We were all like "what is going on?", while we were dodging those meteorites. I'm also surprised why the statues are still standing after this attack.

Em: *cough* It's everyone okay?
Zar: Totally, considering that we survived a meteor strike.
Me: If we survived this, then we're ready for the "Survivor".
Ark: Hmm, someone is sending a message via the entire network.
Me: I think I might know who has the honor.
Ark: It's Dreadbane.
Me: Ha, right as always.
DB: *through the message* Did you enjoy your fireworks Drake City? If the Mysticons don't deliver the rest of the condex pieces to me within an hour, I will direct the rest of the meteor shower and burn your city to the ground.

By the star of Gygax, we were in big trouble. Couldn't he at least give us more time? Anyway, we returned back to the stronghold to find a way to stop this meteorite shower or maybe this meteorite bath.

Ark: How did Dreadbane get the power to direct an entire meteor shower?
Mal: Tazma must have found a spell in the condex piece.
Zar: You mean mine condex piece. If I hadn't let Kitty get the dragondisk, this wouldn't be happening.
Me: Hey, all that matters is stoping Dreadbane.
Piper: Yeepity-yep. We'll discript into that creeps evil lair and haya, houa and bam, we take it back.

While we were having this karate skill display, the old Jess' fluster came in our stronghold, probably to play a little.

Mal: Ugh, I hate foz season.

Ark: I like your plan Piper, but we have no idea where Dreadbane's lair is.
Em: Hey, Seren had said that she was near to discover the location. Do you have anything?
Me: Nah, not that much. Only that is somewhere south-east, but I still need some time to find where.
Zar: Wait, we don't know where it is, but we know someone who does and I know just where to find them.

If you guessed that we were going to find Kitty and the pink skulls, you were right. The place they liked to hang out the most was the Sky-pies. This would get a little interesting. Or maybe, a little cheesy.

*entering like the badass we are*
Zar: Kitty Boon, let's talk.
Kitty: Sorry, not realy in the mood.
Ark: Well get in the mood. Dreadbane's going to destroy the city.
Em: And fortunately we need your help.
Kasey: Maybe we should hear them out.
Kitty: Nah, is a Mysticon problem.
Me: When you selling a powerful artefact to the realms biggest villain, it becomes everyones problem.
Kitty: We don't have to take this. Pink skulls, let's take this to go.

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