Theater Thrill

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"Just another boring friday night with no one to hang out with but myself."

Minneapolis walked alone down the semi-empty streets of the Pearl as she had done nothing for the last six months, after her sisters were...

Suddenly she looked up to a flashing board ahead.

"A movie? I guess I have nothing better to do."

The white-haired girl quickly bought her ticket with no line in front of her and strolled into the well-lit movie theater.

Looking around she found a seat in the fifth row that was empty as the rest of the theater held few others.

Soon the lights dimmed as Minnie waited impatiently for the movie to start, her legs shaking up and down.

It was almost midnight as she was obviously making it known to the few that came in late she was in a foul mood.

"I don't even remember what movie I'm watching, God I hate my life."

Sighing deeply, she leaned back in the most uncomfortable seat in the world as the lights finally went out.

A flashing spear of light hit the massive screen in front as she tried to get comfortable. The hazy light lit a dim figure strolling down the aisle, when it stepped into Minnie's row.

A blonde dreadnought seated herself two seats from the cruiser, further annoying the already unhappy native girl.

"Couldn't find your friends or something blondie?"

The theater was nearly empty as there was no reason why this girl had to sit two seats away.

The pre-movie advertisements for popcorn and candy boomed to life as Minnie glanced at the newcomer out of the corner of her eye.

"What's this bitches deal?"

Minnie's neighbor was a slim cow-girl with a strange curl on the top of her head.

Her creamy white face and blue eyes flashed merrily in the illumination from the movie screen as the battleship smiled widely.

The girl wore a nearly see-through white blouse and short brown skirt as Minneapolis continued to eye the girl up and down.

It was even stranger to Minnie that even in the dim light she could see that the girl had no bra on. She really appeared to be ready for a night of clubbing and dancing rather than a late night at the movies alone.

"What a weird girl." The film started as Minnie turned her attention back to the screen.

Almost immediately, the other girl propped her feet up on the seat in the row in front of her, sighing deeply. She had on a pair of nice looking cowboy boots as Minnie could see the detail clearly with her sharp eyes.

For the next ten minutes, both girls were absorbed by the intense car chase unfolding before them.

Soon after and to Minnie's dislike the movie turned into an impressively, provocative sex scene.

"These scenes are always so damn cheesy."

About two minutes later, the native girl was fixed on the screen when she glanced at her neighbor again.

"Ehhhh?" The movie was quickly forgotten as Minnie realized with a shock what the other girl was doing.

The blonde girl's feet still rested on the corners of the seat before her, but now her skirt was pulled up around her waist.

Beneath the skirt, she was obviously wearing nothing to Minnie's utter surprise and with one hand the dreadnought girl was rubbing her chest, while the other was busy between her legs, slowly massaging herself in a circular motion.

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