4. Dinner and Darn!

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"Good evening son." He said on the phone.

"Yes father?" I asked.

"I am being a guest to your place tonight. I'll have dinner with you and Dorothy. Is it fine if you return early today?" He asked in his usual tone which had always seemed fake to me.

Why was he even questioning me if he knew his decision would prevail?

"Yes. Sure." I just wish that idiot doesn't talk shit. I don't want another thing to question her sanity.

"Are you perfectly alright?" He asked after a short silence.


"I got to know that you were fortunately late today for some meeting. And that there was a fire there is out open. It was on the news. I think they are behind all this. Take care of yourself son. Please." He said, tone sounding worried. As if?

"Yes. I will. Anything else father?" I questioned.

"We will discuss things at night then." He said.
I raked a hand through my hair that were left loosely on my head today. Due to the rush, I couldn't get time to tousle them to perfection.

"Fine." I made sincere efforts to make it look like I did not scowl.

He hung up.

I threw my head back. Of all the things?

Her voice echoed in my head.
"Dex please. I am sorry." Her face flashed in my mind and I tried to remember how I shouted.

Was I too ...

Stop thinking Dexter.

Stop thinking rubbish.
I turned my attention back to work as I knew I had to return home early.


I returned home to find the the place silent. Had the fool decided to go away? Like seriously?

I walked towards the stairs.
"Thank you so much Hugh. I didn't know you guys had a library over here." Her voice entered my ears.
"That *** would tell you if he gets time apart from shouting."
"Hugh! He was just angry and his outburst justified." She replied as I heard a click of the door.

"You already have started defending him huh?" Hugh said as I tried to quicken my steps, unable to understand why my inquisition had been piqued.

"I am not defending him. It was my fault." She answered.

"Come on! You can't shake your head like that darling." She said chirpily.
"It's not working." He replied and she giggled.

They probably had entered the hall when I entered the room.

She accepted her fault?


The door made a click sound as I took off my waistcoat.

The door clicked several times as I walked over and opened it. It took her by surprise as it seemed but she smiled.
"Good evening Dex. How's your day been?" She asked.

I ignored her as she shut the door behind her.

"How are you? Early today?" She tried as I walked over to my closet to pick out clothes.

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