9. Witch and Sandwich!

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~~~Hugh's POV~~~

"Good morning cutie. Ready?" I asked Dorothy as she came downstairs in a white based floral dress and white sneakers.

"Good morning sweetie. Did Dex leave?" She asked, eyes wandering around the whole place.

"Ah I don't know. I just came." I answered.

"But he leaves by eight thirty- forty five." A frown adorned her face as she hurried downstairs.
"I never noticed." I said suddenly shocked at a piece of information that I'd never noticed. This girl did it so quickly.

"Jane?" I called out.

"Yes Mr Ryder?" She came with her all time favourite broom.

"Did Ter leave?" I asked after rolling my eyes at her formalities.
"Yes. He left around seven today. Woke me up early with all the noise." She muttered the last part. Poor old lady. I offered her a nod.

"Jane, by the way, it's Hugh next time." She nodded and went back to cleaning.

"Yep. So your Dex left." I told her.

"Oh.." Her evergreen smile faltered a little but she picked it up again.
"Did you have the breakfast?" She asked.

"Not yet." I told her honestly before my stomach grumbles and let the not-so-hidden cat out of the bag.

"So sit and have it no. Come I'll serve." She walked towards the kitchen.

"And you?" I asked.

"Not in a mood darling." She sang.

She brought me the breakfast and then herself went upstairs.

When we were about to leave, she came outside with a small bag.

"What's that?" I asked as we walked to my car.

"I hope you don't mind me taking it. They are sandwiches." She grinned.

"Oh. You sure can take it." I reciprocated and off we went.

We reached my gallery, I parked my car and took her inside.

"Wow." She exclaimed at the board outside.

"It is the fifth board since I have started this place." I told her, excitement within me difficult to restrain. Atleast she noticed!

"You painted it?" She asked.
"Yes. Come! There's a lot more." I guided her inside into the small lane in the gallery. First left room was the small hall where paintings were for display.

"These are the pieces for display. First you would like to visit these or the ones that are for sale?"

"I wouldn't mind either but let's begin from here?" She looked inside.

"Yup." I escorted her inside.
"This is one of my fellow painter's best painting. He is good at abstract art. Like if you could make out what this means." I pointed at a picture.

She studied it carefully. "These is geometric abstract art. Shapes in different colours which look good to people."
"Presentation of abstract thoughts on canvas which put up brain puzzles and relax you at the same time." She remarked.

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