Chapter... Neeen.... Nine* (:

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•Liam's POV•

I woke up to the sounds of mumbling then finally screaming. I shot out of bed and looked over to see Niall squirming and his face was wet from the tears that were falling from his eyes.

I ran over to his bed and tried to wake him up.

" Niall! " I said into his ear. He didn't wake up.

" Niall wake up! " I heard knocking on the door and I quickly opened it to see a very worried Louis standing there.

" I heard screaming? " he asked sleepily.

" It's Niall. He won't wake up either. I've been trying. " I told him as I went back to shaking Niall.

" Niall, wake up Nialler. Please? " Louis tried. Nothing happened.

" NOOOO!!!!! PLEASE I'M SORRY!!!!! " he screamed. The door was open and now Harry walked into my room.

" What's going on? " he asked. He was still pretty much asleep. Niall STILL wouldn't wake up.

" Tell him Lou. I gotta get him up. " Lou nodded and walked over to Harry.

" No... No... I'm sorry...... I can't help it....... " Niall mumbled. I shook him harder and suddenly he flew up out of bed and just ran.

Ran straight out of the room.

•Niall's POV•

" Zayn... I think I love you.... " I told Zayn. He gave me an expressionless face before it went to complete anger.

" GET OUT. " he yelled. The tears were already falling.

" B-but... " I started but he cut me off.

" I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! " he screamed at me before pushing me towards the edge of the balcony.

" NOOO!!!! PLEASE I'M SORRY!!! " I screamed.

" YOU'RE JUST A STUPID FAG!! " he screamed again.

" Please!!! I'm sorry!!!!! " I whisper-yelled.

" I DON'T CARE!!! Bye!!! " he was pushing me farther off the edge.

" No..... No..... I'm sorry.... I can't help it.... " I told him sobbing.

I felt something shake me and I instantly flew out of bed and started running. I ran out of the hotel room and the hotel and collapsed in the middle of the street and started sobbing. I didn't know what time it was but at this point, I didn't care. I just wanted to be away from everyone especially Zayn. I needed to go home. Back to Ireland.

I saw headlights from my blurry vision and suddenly heard a scream that sounded like Liam's before something collided with my body and everything went completely numb.

" NIALL!!!!! " I heard another scream. This time I couldn't put a face to the voice. Everything was slowly getting darker. I could only hear crying and screaming and then talking.

" Yes! Niall Horan. Yes from One Direction. He got hit by a car. We are at..... " that's all I could comprehend as I looked up to see a now sobbing Harry. I put on a smile for him and tried to reach my arm up to caress his cheek but I couldn't move it. It was numb and yet it hurt.

Just then I looked over to see Zayn walking out of the hotel towards Liam who was holding Louis who sounded as if he was crying and screaming. I couldn't tell what he was screaming but he was.

I saw Liam point to me and all Zayn did was glance at me before shaking his head. I felt a tear roll down my cheek again before everything went completely black and the only thing I could hear clearly was Harry's voice.

" No Niall, stay awake! Please! "

After that, I heard nothing.

•Liam's POV•

I ran down the stairs after Niall and saw him collapsed in the middle of the road crying his eyes out. It was about four in the morning so some people would still be getting ready for work or going to work.

I was trying to get to him quickly but frozen when I saw Niall look up at the car that was coming. I heard a honk, screech and then I screamed

" NIALL!!!! " I ran right out of the hotel and to him. Louis and Harry were right behind me. Zayn for some reason hasn't came to see what was going on. Louis practically fell to the ground sobbing and I had to hold him and Harry took off to Niall.

I pulled out my phone after I saw Harry carry Niall into the grass on the other side of the road and sit with his head in his lap.

" What is your emergency? " a lady asked.

" Yes, a car hit my best friend. " I told her.

" What's his name? "

" Niall Horan. "

" From One Direction? "

" Yes. "

" Alright. Where are you? "

" We're at the hotel on Rainbow road. " (A/N: Don't judge on the road(: )

" Someone will be there quickly. " I told her thanks and hung up. Louis was sobbing and screaming into my chest.

Louis and Niall may not seem that close on stage but I honestly think next to Harry and Zayn, they are the closest.

Zayn finally walked out rubbing his eyes and walked towards me.

" What's going on? Why is Lou screaming? " he asked me groggily. I wanted to punch him but I held the urge back and pointed at Niall.

Zayn glanced that way and just shook his head. Oh my fu-

" No Niall! Stay awake please! " I heard Harry scream. Oh god.

I heard sirens coming and I pulled Louis over to Harry and left Zayn standing there since he practically made it clear that he doesn't want to be near Niall at all.

Soon the paramedics arrived and put Niall into the ambulance. Only one of us could go and Harry told me to because if Lou went he would just break down. I climbed in and sat next to Niall with tears in my eyes. The heart monitor was very light but at least he was alive right?

" Niall... Please wake up? " I grabbed his hand. The drive took a while but just as we got to the hospital I heard nothing but a straight beeeeeeep from the heart monitor.

That's when I lost it.

A/N: Sorry for it being depressing and such a cliffhanger! I'm just thinking a lot right now. I'll try to update again by Monday. -AliBear.xx

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