Twenteen Onerd! (:

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" What are you guys doing..? " he asked slowly. He must've been released from the hospital.

" I.... Uh... " Zayn was lost of words.

" Liam? " he asked me. He sounded almost like he was going to cry.

" Niall... I uh... " my mind went blank of anything to say.

" Why are you on Liam Zayn? "

" He... " I can't let Zayn lose his chance with Niall. Sure I like Niall but he was Zayn's first.

" We were wrestling. " I said quickly.

" Why are you crying then? "

" I was laughing really hard... That's why my face is red also. " I covered. Niall looked almost relieved and Zayn looked down at me. He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

" Thank you so much Li... Sorry... We'll talk about it later okay? " I nodded and sent him a small smile as he helped me up.

" I better get home. Are you going to walk Niall home Zayn? " I asked him.

" If he wants me too... " Zayn said quietly. Niall smiled.

" Sure. " Zayn lit up and it hurt a bit honestly. I bit my lip and nodded before telling them bye and taking off in the direction of the closest coffee shop.

-Harry's POV-

Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me inside his room after Zayn and Liam left. He slam his door shut and locked it before practically killing me with a glare.

" Why do you think I hate you Harold. " he spat out. I flinched a bit. I didn't like when Louis got this way. Not one bit.

" Because..... " My phone started to ring and I pulled it and before I could answer, Louis snatched it away from me and answered.

" WHAT!? " he yelled. I gulped and stayed quiet. " He can't talk Lexi. I'm talking to him. " he hung up my phone and threw it onto the bed.

" Why are you so mad...? " I mumbled. He was suddenly in my face and made sure I was looking him in the eyes.

" Because. My best fucking friend thinks I hate him when I fucking love him. " He said sternly. I gulped again.

" I'm sorry... " he smashed my face in his hands more.

" Listen to me Harold. " I nodded for him to continue. " NEVER think that I hate you for any reason okay? Because I love you. I do really. Don't ever think I hate you. " he looked into my eyes. He smashed his lips to mine and I didn't have enough to respond before he pulled away and looked me deep in my eyes. I was shocked. " EVER. "

" Okay...... "

-Zayn's POV-

I'm so glad Liam covered for me. I feel bad though. Right now, Niall is talking about something that happened at the hospital. I couldn't really focus because he was just plain beautiful. He looked at me and stopped. I stopped also and faced him.

" Hi. " he said shyly. I chuckled.

" Hi. " I said with a smile. He looked down then back up and he was closer than I thought. He leaned on his tippie toes and pecked me on the lips before stepping back. I felt a smile creeping up on my face as I looked at him. He giggled.

" You're too cute. " I told him causing him to blush and look down.

" No I'm not. " that made something in me just snap. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

" Don't deny it babe. " I whispered looking him in the eyes. " Hey Niall... " I'm going to do this now.

" Yeah? "

" Will you be mine? " He smiled.

" Yes. " He leaned up and closed the distance between our lips causing chills flow up my spine at once.

This was perfect.

I finally got him.

-Liam's POV-

I felt like I was about to cry. I walked over to a bench and a girl with long, brown hair and blue eyes walked up.

" Why hello there. I'm Nikkie. You seem sad. What's wrong? " she asked and sat down. Well.

" I'm Liam. But I just lost someone I like a lot to my best friend. But he liked him first so yeah. " she nodded.

" Don't worry! You got Danielle right? " I nodded remembering me and her never did break up. I smiled at the thought of her.

" I do. Thanks. " I smiled. Nikkie nodded and stood up.

" I gotta get back to work. Bye Liam! Nice to meet you! " and just like that, she was gone. Weird.

I stood up and ran outside and to The nearest park. I pulled out my phone and called Dani.

" Hi babe. " she said happily.

" Hey babe. Can you meet me at the park? "

" Sure be there in a minute. " the phone clicked off and I waited for her to show up.

After about five minutes, I saw her walking towards me and I stood up and jogged over to her and hugging her tightly.

" I love you so much... " I whispered.

" I love you too. " she said. I could tell she was smiling which made me smile.

" I don't know what I would do without you... " I kissed her slowly as I thought to myself.

This is my world.

Danielle is my world.

-Harry's POV-

Louis just got off the phone with Eleanor and he was walking towards me right now. Niall and Zayn were upstairs somewhere. They just got together which I'm happy about.

" Stand up please? " Louis said with a slight smile. I barely heard him but he mumbled something like " How did I believe I never loved you like this? "

I stood up and he pulled me closer after tossing his phone on the couch. I felt y heart skip a beat. He pressed his lips to mine and this time I responded quickly. I felt him smile into the kiss.

He pulled away from me and leaned his forehead against mine.

" Will you be with me? "

" Of course! "

" I love you Hazza. "

" I love you too Boo. "

He's mine.

-Zayn's POV-

Niall was laying on my chest and was sleeping. I was glad that I finally got Niall. Harry had just texted me saying him and Louis aka his new boyfriend were going out so I'm happy for them. I wonder how Li- my phone vibrated.

I'll be at Dani's tonight. Love you! -Li.xx

That explains it.

I smiled as I stared down at Niall. His chest rising and falling slightly as he snored.

I got the light of my world now.

I placed a kiss on his forehead before whispering to him.

" I'll never stop loving you. "

Authors Note: like it? I think it might be a little rush to the end and if it is I'm sorry! :P it's my longest fanfic yet (: all because of a dream bruh! Lol!

Love you all!!! xxxxxxx

Complications. Ziall Horlik.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin