Tweeeeeevee! Shut up! Twelve!

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-Zayn's POV-

I walked into the hospital after Paul had dropped me off. He told me to call him when I wanted to head back. I walked to the front desk and there was a pretty girl there. Her name was Anna.

" Excuse me. " I said getting her attention off of the computer. She looked up and he eyes widened.

" Zayn? " I cocked my head to the side as the voice of her's sounder very familiar.

" Yes? " I said confused a bit. She walked around the desk and stood in front of me. I finally realized who she was. " Anna!? " I said with a smile. Anna was my best friend in second and third grade. We haven't talked since she moved which was fourth.

" It's nice to see you again! I've missed you so much! " she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.

" I've missed you too Anna. A lot. " I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me.

" Who are you in here for? " she asked as she walked back around the desk.

" Actually I was going to visit Niall for once... " I said shyly.

" Niall's in that room over there. When you leave come by here okay? I get off in about half hour. We can catch up. " I smiled and nodded before walking to Niall's room.

I opened the door and saw a lifeless boy on the bed. He was more pale than usual and it was sickening honestly. I sighed and walked next to the bed and just looked at him.

His face was extremely pale with his blonde hair going across it. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and just looked at him before talking.

" Hey Niall. " I said with a sad smile.

" I'm sorry I haven't visited. I Uhm... I really don't have an excuse. Look I know you probably can't hear me but I'm sorry. I really am. Just remember we'll always be the best of friends okay? But I better get going. Anna and I are going to catch up. Anna was my best friend in primary school. Love you Ni. Please wake up and be okay. " I said with a sigh and kissed his hand before getting up and walking out of the room.

I walked back up to the desk and started to talk to Anna.

" So... How has life been? " she asked me.

" Pretty good. " I told her.

" No Zayn. How has life been? " she knew something about me that no one else knew. I sighed and sat in the chair next to the desk.

" I don't know. No one has found out yet so that's good. " I told her truthfully. She looked at me directly in the eyes.

" Zayn when are you going to tell them? They're going to figure out soon enough. They are around you pretty much all the time. Especially Niall. " She told me, her voice staying firm.

" I know. I know. But I just can't find it in me to actually tell them! Sure they wouldn't care but still... Plus I have been acting... weird about it so they wouldn't notice... I have dated a bunch of girls just to keep my mind off of it so yeah. " I heard her sigh.

" Zayn, Zayn, Zayn. When will you ever learn? " She stood up and check the clock. " Well I gue-- " She started but was cut off by the sound of a long beep and nurses running down the hall. 

" ANNA! Get to Niall Horan's room right now! We need your help. " I shot straight up. No way in hell is my best friend going to die!

" Zayn sit down. I'll be right back! Okay? Just sit down. " She rushed. I obeyed her but was getting really nervous. She ran back there and I kept hearing someone yell " CLEAR! " every few seconds. I was getting really anxious and pulled out my phone.

Just as I was about to call Liam, Anna came back out and grabbed my arm. She pulled me into Niall's room and told the nurse that was in there that she could handle it. I heard the small beeping of the heart monitor and sighed. Thank the lord.

" Zayn stay here tonight. He might wake up, he might not. I'm not sure but you might wanna be the first person he sees with the way he looks at you in interviews. " I nodded and opened my mouth to speak.

" Stay with me? " I asked her. She sighed.

" I can't Zaynie Pie. I have a boyfriend to go home to. It's his birthday and I promised I would be home right after work. I'll be back tomorrow though okay? If you're not here tomorrow afternoon just come back if you want to talk. Love you Zayn. Nice to see you again. " She kissed my cheek and left. I sighed and sat down in one of the chairs that were placed at the end of Niall's bed.

I took my phone out and called Liam.

" Hello? " I heard him say worriedly.

" Hey Liam, I'm staying here tonight okay? To make sure he's okay... " I said quietly. I was still extremely freaked out about what just happened.

" Is he okay? " He asked me.

" Now he is... Something had happened while I was talking to Anna and I freaked out... She told me to just sit down and relax... He's fine now though. " I told him.

" Good... Uh so you're staying there? "

" Yeah. "

" Alright mate. Get some sleep. Night Zayn. "

" Night Li. Bye. "

" Bye. " I hung the phone up and slouched down into the chair. It was uncomfortable but it was the best they had I guess.

I started to doze off and soon enough, to the sound of the heart monitor I fell into a dark sleep.

~Niall's POV~

I couldn't breath at all. Nothing was cooperating right. I heard shouts and everything and then giant shocks went through my body. It made me jump every time and I just wanted them to stop. Soon enough I could finally breath! And the shocks stopped. I still couldn't open my eyes so I decided to just attempt to go back to sleep like I had before.

I heard a bit of talking before everything was quiet except for someone else's breathing. It was deep breaths and it sounded as if they were freaked out over something. I don't know who it was or anything but I wanted to know but couldn't. I just couldn't move yet except for maybe my fingers and toes. I wanted so bad to open my eyes but it was like they were glued shut with extremely good glue.

Might as well just fall asleep.

I was awoken when a short pain shot through my arm. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. No one was near me. Nothing was in my arm at all. I looked around the room and froze when I saw someone who I didn't expect to see sleeping in the room I was in. He looked so peaceful yet he looked so stressed. All I wanted to do was kiss him but one: I can't move like at all and two: He's homophobic.

I just stared at him for a while and soon he stretched and rubbed his eyes while yawning. When he removed his hands from his eyes he looked straight at me in the eyes. I missed seeing those hazel brown eyes.

" Ni-all? " He stuttered out in shock.

" Hi Zayn. "

Complications. Ziall Horlik.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ