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He looked at me with a smile before passing out and started to snore a little. I stood up and leaned over him.

" I'm so sorry Niall. " I whispered before kissing his forehead and walking out. I walked back into the waiting room with a small frown and Liam hugged me tightly.

" I'm so sorry Zayn. " Louis said sadly.

" It's fine. Really. " I told them reassuring. They all looked at me with a strange face when they finally figured out that I wasn't crying.

" Wait? He remembers you? " I shook my head. " Then? " Harry seemed so confused it was funny.

" I told him why he was in here and he said he understands why because he said if he knew me earlier that he would've jumped. And I also got a huge weight off of my shoulders. "

" What was it? " Louis asked.

" So he doesn't hate you? " Liam asked trying to process everything.

" No he doesn't hate me and I told him that I was in love with him. " I said with a smile.

" What did he do!? " Harry exclaimed.

" Smiled and then fell asleep. That's why I came out so early. "

" AWWW! " they squealed. Such teenage girls.

-Niall's POV-

That Zayn boy is in here. He told me why I was in the hospital and he sounded like he expected me to hate him. I've only just met the guy! But that is pretty aggravating that he made me jump but although he is very worth jumping off of a building for.

" I think I'm in love with you. " My eyes went wide for a second. Wait. So this guy is in love with me and we only just met... Wait... He's known me for two years. Fucking hell I'm messed up.

I smiled at him and just closed my eyes. After a little bit I felt myself starting to snore and I felt lips on my forehead. I smiled as I heard the door open and close.

That Zayn boy is really cute. And has really really pretty eyes. I smiled as I fully drifted off into a deep sleep.

" Hey baby. " Zayn whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

" Hi. " I said with a smile. He kissed my cheek.

" You ready? " he asked. I nodded and he pulled me out of the dressing room and guided me onto the small stage where the interviewer was.

" Hello boys! I'm Tori! " She said with a jolly voice. She started to ask the regular questions as Harry flirted with her. Louis looked a bit jealous.

" So boys. Who's single and who's not? " she finally asked and I was starting to get nervous. Zayn must've noticed because he secretly wrapped an arm around my waist.

" It'll be okay. " he whispered and I nodded.

" I'm now single. " Harry said with a frown.

" What happened!? " Tori asked.

" Uhm... Me and Lex just decided to end it because it was long distance. " he was lying a little but yet tell the truth.

" Oh I'm sorry. Louis? "

" Still taken. " he said with a looking forced smile.

" Liam? "

" Me and Dani broke up. " he said with a sad sigh. I couldn't really read Liam because he kept his other expression so blank.

" Why? "

" We just... Got into a huge fight and ended it. " he said blankly. Weird.

" I'm so sorry! What about you Zayn? Still single? "

" Nope. I have my one and only. " he said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile.

" Who? "

" Niall? " That doesn't sound like Zayn? " Niall! Wake up! " I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in that hospital room.

" Where am I? " I asked as I looked at Harry.

" They moved you into a different room because we're celebs. " he told me. I nodded and realized he was the only one in here.

" Where is everyone else? " I asked.

" They went shopping. I didn't go with them because I uh.. I need to ask you something truthfully... "

" What's that? " I asked as I sat up. He started fiddling with his fingers.

" I think I like Louis... Like more than a friend Niall. " he told me.

" Harry sit down please? " he obeyed by sitting down in a chair next to the bed I was in.

" What do I do? Lexi already knows but he's in love with Eleanor! "

" Harry! Listen to me okay? " he nodded. " Louis may love Eleanor but who knows. He may secretly love you as well Harry. Don't keep putting yourself down. "

" But Niall... " he started but I put my hand over his mouth.

" Quit Harold! You're trying to make yourself upset aren't you now? "

" No but... " he stopped and stood up as if he just realized something.

" I think I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson. "

-Louis' POV-

I ditched the boys to go talk to Niall again. Harry said he wanted to visit him also. He's been acting really weird around me ever since that little incident the first time we went to the hospital.

I didn't know what to do. I mean I have a girlfriend and so does he. He doesn't like me that way and I don't like him that way. I'm sorry but I just don't.

I walked up to Niall's door and was about to knock when I heard Niall's voice.

" Quit Harold! You're trying to make yourself upset aren't you now? " I heard him say. Harry was in there!

" No but... " it was silent for a while.

Just before I was about to start walking away I heard him say one last thing that made me trip and take off out of the hospital.

" I think I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson. "

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