Fifateen! :D

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" Niall wake up. " I heard a soothing voice from beside me say. I rolled over and saw Liam smiling at me. I just rolled my eyes and rolled back over before trying to fall back asleep.

I heard a groan and suddenly he was shaking me violently. " Niall! " he said sternly.

" STOP! " I yelled getting aggravated with the shaking. He stopped instantly and I opened my eyes to meet a very shock Liam. " What?! " I asked still aggravated. I sat up and just waited until he answered me.

" You have never yelled like that in the morning. What's wrong with you Niall? " I looked over to see that Zayn was no where to be found. I guess I'm safe.

" Well maybe it's the fact that He totally ignored me ALL SHOW yesterday! And when I asked him why he said because he can! " I said loudly. Liam just stood there. " Let me sleep. " I asked.

" We're going home though. " was all he had to say. I shot up out of my bed and instantly slipped on some jeans and a random shirt.

" Please don't tell me we have interviews or something while we're home... " I said suddenly realizing that's what Uncle Si likes to do.

" No we get the month off for ourselves. " my mouth went into a fully blown smile.

" Finally. "

" Hurry up. We're waiting. " I nodded and grabbed my bag before walking out with Liam.

" You okay Li? " I asked him. He shook his head as if he was trying to get himself out of his thoughts.

" Yeah just Uhm. Thinking is all... " he told me. He sounded sad or something I'm not sure though.

-Liam's POV-

We were walking down the hallway and I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts.

Well Dani told me that if I like that kiss that I was either gay or bi. I believe I'm bi because I still really love Danielle but I really like that kiss. Wait. I liked that kiss. With Niall. My best mate. Who's in Love with Zayn. Fuck.

" You okay Li? " I heard Niall ask me. I shook my head to clear it and looked at him.

" Yeah I was just Uhm. " he licked his lips and I had to close my eyes to keep from staring. " Thinking. "

" Oh. Okay! Let's go home then! " he said happily. I think he forgot that home meant to the flat with Zayn. Yeah Louis and Harry share one and Simon forced Niall and Zayn to share but they didn't refuse. I wonder how this will work out.

-Niall's POV-

I hopped into the car and smiled as I looked out the window. I can't wait to be back home. Yeah I know it's not to mum but its home to me.

" So you excited Nialler? " I heard Louis' voice ask me.

" Yes! " I said happily making him chuckle.

" We're off! " Paully said and we started driving. I just stared out the window ignoring the presence beside me. I grabbed my pillow and set it against the window as I started to drift off. I slowly became to realization.

Home is back to London.

In our flats.

Louis and Harry.


Mine and Zayn's.

I groaned loudly which made everyone look at me. Liam leaned over and whispered to Louis and Harry.

" It finally dawned on him. " he whispered to them. I slammed the pillow to my face and just sat like that. Trying to smother myself so I wouldn't have to stay with Zayn again.

Complications. Ziall Horlik.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora