goodbye | recommendations and farewell

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So that's it...I suppose. 

This story was a roller coaster. Oops- that's on me, I guess. 

Thanks so much for sticking with me through all of this; through Hogwarts travels, Tartarus, empousas, and Camp Half Blood. Thank you for bearing with the long pauses in updates and the sudden fifteen chapters at one time. 

So... goodbye. That's it for Heroes at Hogwarts.

Eunoia, signing off <3

BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS (because obviously, instead of working on my next project, I've been reading these beauties)

1. The Shy Girl Has A Gun, by @makeandoffer COMPLETED 

2. The Numbers on Her Wrist, by @KatherineHinchley COMPLETED 

3. Extraordinarily Legendary, by macylynnne3  still IN PROGRESS, but regular updates

4. When Myths Meet Magic, by @yournormalPJOfangirl COMPLETED

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