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I did my famous death stare at Connie for making me embarrass myself in front of everyone, including my own COUSIN AND...uh...friend...

(C/N) noticed me and walked up to me. "Oh Shi- I MEAN! Oh crap! Y/N?! I didn't know you would be here at this school! I thought you were going to that rich kid school across from here...

Now why in the mud on my boots did they think that I was a ding dang spoiled rich kid?! Sure my parents have money, but not that much to get in a school like THAT! I pushed (C/N) playfully. I heard a small "Hey!" come from them. Steven came up to the group. "Hey Connie and Y/N! What have been you guys been up to?" He asked us. I now noticed the brown color of his fluffy, cloud-like, nicely done hair. I just smiled. "Nothing! Just talking about....things!" I kinda yelled at Steven. Connie just had to ruin my current mode just by saying....

 "Are you sure about that Y/N? You were just allowing me to tell Steven that you like-" "I LIKE TO DO MATH!" I interrupted Connie. And I said something I would regret saying for my whole life. The words do not go into one sentence, but they do go into the depts of heck.

(Sorry for the short chapter! I was in a hurry. Celebrating Kwanzaa with my fam)

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