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Now that everyone was here, I was planning on playing each of our favorite games, so that it would be fair for everyone. "Hey! Let's play everyone's favorite game. I'll start first!" I exclaimed.  They agreed.

I started up the game, and waited for it to load. It loaded completely and I sat down with my (F/C) controller. The game was (F/G). I loved to play that game ever since I got it for my 11th birthday. We played it until we got tired of it for a bit. "Now let's play some minecraft!" Steven says. ( If you played Minecraft a already then you can choose another game UwU) We agreed to play Steven's game and it was pretty fun. After that, we played Warriors X. (I made that game up.) It was a game with an awesome story line to it. You could customize your character and go on missions. Connie wanted to play this game. C/N picked Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2. The games were really ducked up because the main characters were in kindergarten. The day was great and all was chill. I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Me and Steven said t the same time. We rushed to the door to answer it. We touched the door knob at the same time . I blushed and let go. Steven did too. "Uh...you can open it if you want." Steven said nervously. I nodded.

 I opened the door. My aunt was there. I gasped. "Y/N, where are your parents?" Aunt A/N asked me. "U-uh...at work.... why did you ask?" I studdered. If she saw what was happening she would probably tell my mom! "I was wondering if they could babysit for a while. I need to head to the doctor for my yearly check-up. Would you do it for me please? I'll pay you back when I get the chance." Aunt A/N persuaded. I sighed. I had no choice, right? Plus, I need the money. "Ok. Where are the twins? I'm ready." I said. And that was when the trouble started. Frankie and Francis ran up to me to give me hugs. I fell over and hit my head on a wall. The wall shook and knocked over a case and a picture of me and my family. The shaking also caused the TV in my room to fall on top of my brand new (G/S).

(That means Gaming System).

 "FUCK!" I yelled. I covered my mouth. That was the first time I ever swore. "LANGUAGE Y/N! YOUR COUSINS ARE HERE!" Aunt A/N yelled as well, covering Frankie and Francis's ears. The crew tried to help me get the fallen TV up and the (G/S). "I just got that (G/S)! You guys ruined everything! I'm not babysitting those idiots!"  I screamed, going to my room. Frankie started to cry as I went. 

I slammed the door to my room and say on my bed. What am I doing? I had an attitude over something not even that important. I'm staying up here so I can blow off some steam though.


I just watched the scene unfold, wide eyes and all. I walked over to the door. Aunt A/N was disappointed and cheered up Frankie. "We could babysit. I'll make sure that Y/N won't snap at them again." I said taking Frankie 's hand. Francis wandered off in the house. Aunt A/N smiled. "Thank you. I will be back soon." She said walking into her car to leave.

I closed the door and locked it. "Well this study party thing was a bust." Connie said keeping a straight face.

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