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"As much as I would love to continue this, there is a pressing matter at hand." Asher grumbled, his eyes locked with Xander's, who stood about three hundred feet away. In the darkness, Aria could not see what he was looking at, but she knew it had something to do with her family. Her breaths were labored as Asher set her back upon her feet. Quickly, he grabbed her hand and the two began to pace back to the villiage. Max, Xander, and Rosalina stood in wait. Aria could feel the pressence of Rosalina's manipulation, but tried her best to fight it off.

"My mate and I ask for refuge for one night. We will leave in the morning." Asher spoke in a much colder tone than she had seen moments before.

"I'm afraid we will not allow you to take one of our own." Xander growled. He began to advance towards Asher, but his mother's arm held him back. Rosaline took a few steps towards Asher and he froze.

"An artifice." He growled. "Don't try your tricks on me, witch."

"W-What are you talking about?" Aria chirped.

"She can tell what emotions you're feeling and change them in any way she likes."

"But why just her?"

"Because we are of royal decent, my dear. Descendants of one of the original twelve alfas." Rosaline smiled as Aria felt her mood shift to be much calmer.

"After careful study, I have found you to be a collective." Rosaline's smile tightened as the other three men around us gasped.

"What's wrong?" Aria sounded horrified as her mate's eyes widened.

"You are very rare, one of four. It means you have two personalities, a kind-hearted human, and a vicious wolf."

"Isn't that how you guys are too?"

"Not exactly. Haven't you noticed how much anger you have had of late? Your other half is wanting release, but your better half, Callista has kept the darker part at bay. Have you not wondered why you are so sickly and Callista hardly speaks to you?"

"I thought that was normal." Aria was paniced, though Asher's hand in hers calmed her down a bit. "What will happen if the darker part is unleashed?" 

"Only death will follow you. Of the three exisiting collectives, three have fallen and destroyed anything and anyone in their paths. Including their mates." A shiver ran down Aria's spine.

"And the one who has kept their demon away?"

"He resides in rural Canada last I heard. He even left his mate out of fear of her dying. It would be best if we not test your impatient side, needless to say."

"Is there any way to stop it? Do I have to let it destroy me?"

"That is up to you. Though I believe leaving your packlands would only harm you."

"My pack is where my mate is." Aria said, a sudden surge of confidence overtaking her.

"So it is."

- - - - - - - - - -

"W-Who are you?!"

"I am Tobias, and I am a collective."

"Are you the-"

"No. I came to help you escape the shackles of that bitch. Callista? Come out sweetheart." He said in a sing-songy voice.

Aria could feel Callista taking over and, for once, she allowed it.

"Get off our land." She growled.

"I would, but a pal of mine is imprisoned here, perhaps you know her? My mate?"

What? Aria's head was spinning. She could feel the control being passed to another, much more powerful, being.

"Hello, bitches. I'm Lilith." A voice boomed.

Without hesitation, Lilith transformed into her wolf form and stalked over to a still-sleeping Asher. Aria and Callista fought for control, but it was no use. Lilith was in control now and she would not allow herself back into that hellhole. In seconds, Asher's neck was in Lilth's jaws. With a crack, Aria knew he was dead. There would be no way of her return now, she could draw strength from only Callista now, who was in utter agony at the death of her mate.

Again, she shifted back into her human form and sauntered over to a smirking Tobias. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up into his arms.

"Miss me, love?" Lilithh smiled, grabbing him by his hair and pulling him down to her. Their kiss was passionate, yet so much more ruthless than any kiss Aria had shared with Asher. Lilith and Tobias were nibbling and biting at one another, almost to the point of bleeding.

"Goodnight, girls. I'll let you out once I've gotten a little more of my strength back." She thought, and with that, the whole world, as Aria knew it, went black.


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