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Aria woke up screaming. She was sweating profusely and tears pricked her eyes.

"It was just a dream, love. Calm down." Asher shushed her as he ran his hand through her hair.

"Asher? But-" Aria struggled to breathe as she looked into those familiar brown eyes. She sobbed as she fell into his chest. He rubbed her back soothingly, but was desperate to know what had upset her so much.

"What happened?" He asked after several minutes of Aria wheezing and regaining control over her emotions. He placed his hands on her cheeks and lifted her face so that her eyes met his.

"I know what her name is."


"The darker me. Her name is Lilith and she has a mate. He's another collective and I think he's looking for me."

"Love, it was only a dream."

"No. It was too real. I think she got past Callista to show me what was going to happen to me. She killed you and then she shut me out. It was so cold..." Aria's body once more wracked with sobs as she buried her face into Asher's shirt.

"I won't let anyone get you. I promise." Asher whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"You can't stop them. Nothing can. Maybe I should do what that one guy did and live by myself somewhere."

"That's not happening." Asher growled.

"I can't have people dying for me." 

"They won't."

"How do you know? Asher, what's happening to me should only affect me. I don't want you getting hurt."

"If you die, I die. I won't let you hide yourself away."

"Maybe there is another one out there for you."

"Don't say that ever again. I won't leave you. Ever."

Aria didn't go back to sleep that night. Once she heard the rythmic breathing of Asher, she snuck out of their room and out into the night. She walked a few miles on foot before her wolf took over.

"You should be in bed." Callista cooed.

"Why didn't you tell me about her?"

"About who?"

"Lilith. You can't keep acting like I don't know."

"You needn't worry about her, I have it handled."

"Obviously, you don't. She got into my dream."

"I was just taking a small rest. It won't happen again."

"Callista, stop coddling me! You aren't alone anymore, so just let me in!"

"NO!" Callista screamed. "You are nothing more than a child, so let me handle it!"

"I am not a child! I'm ninteen, lest you forget, and I can help you!" Aria pleaded. "If you would just let me in, we could fight her together."

"Aria, stop it!" With that, Callista came to a halt, her body felt heavy and her eyes felt like lead. The world went black and both Callista and Aria were transported to a large plain. It had been manifested in their mind, and Callista knew by who.

"Lovely evening, isn't it?" A voice called.

"Aria, get behind me."

"No, I want to see this bitch." Aria spoke defiantely as she stepped forward.

"Me? I'm no bitch. In fact, I came to give you those answers you so desperately wanted." Lilith smiled as she began stalking towards Aria. Callista put her hand on Aria's shoulder, but she shook it off.

"Tell me."

"Well you see, Callista and I have been battling for centuries. With wolves, our spirits never die, we are simply transported to another host. Our last host was a girl named Sheila. Callista and I have been watching you since birth. She fought me on whether or not to let the wolf in you go, but she decided you shouldn't be burdened. To be honest, I think she thinks of you as a daughter. She was always that little voice telling you not to do something stupid. I personally encouraged it, but she has been stronger with you around. In our last host, I was able to take over and I lived the entirety of Sheila's life as myself while she and Callista acted as backseat drivers. I was able to find Tobias in this life and I killed Asher's wolf, Darius. I thought he was dead for good, but then old Darius came back as Asher. My rein came to an end when Callista took over and drove us over a cliff, annoying ass bitch. But now we're here."

"So Darius is Asher? How long has it been since he died?"

"Fourty years." Callista finally spoke somberly.

"Why did it take so long for him to go to a new host?"

"When we die, it is not assured we will come back right away. Years may pass and in his case, fourty years did." Lilith smiled as she stepped towards Aria.

"Then who is my real mate? Darius or Tobias?"

"It depends." Lilith shrugged.

"On what?"

"On you. And by the looks of it, we may make a wonderful team. I have enjoyed you over the years."

"She will not go with you." Callista yelled.

"Why not? Jess did. You remember Jess, don't you? If I recall, you loved her even more than you love little Aria here." Lilith taunted Callista, circling around her menacingly.

"Don't you dare say her name." Callista growled.

Within seconds, both women had transformed into giant beasts. It was as though they were reflected over a mirror. The only difference between them were their eyes. Callista's were an ocean blue, whilst Lilith's were dark green. They were both snaping their mouths open and shut, foaming. They circled around one another a few times before Callista finally struck. She dove forward, but Lilith was quicker, dodging it in time for Callista to go flying forwards. Callista caught herself before hitting the ground, but not before Lilith took a bite out of Callista's leg. Callista howled in pain, whipping around and snapping her jaw hard around Lilith's neck. Lilith screamed and pulled back, but Callista would not let go. Eventually, Lilith shook her off and paced back a few steps. Aria took a step towards Callista to see if her leg was okay when Lilith's eyes focused on her.

"WAKE UP ARIA!" Callista screamed.

- - - - - - - - - -

She awoke in a hospital. Xander was staring out the window, arms crossed and Asher was sitting in the chair besides Aria, holding her hand.

"-mess if it weren't for you." Xander was lecturing.

"Fuck you. I was asleep."

"How did you not notice your fucking mate leave you?"

"I- Aria, you're awake." Asher turned to Aria, smiling.

"It wasn't anyone's fault that I left but mine." Aria snapped, pulling her hand from Asher's. "But we need to stop fucking around. Callista can't hold on for much longer."

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