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richie is bold
eddie is italics


1/18/20  12:13pm

i just woke up


your mom really tired me out last night!

fuck you

you know you wanna ;)

i'm 12

wait shit really?


haha you're funny!

i guess you could say that.
how's greta?

still can't text her since she did the ol' switcheroo with her number

why don't you visit her?

we don't do that

what, talk?


that was a JOKE

oh. it's pretty much true
we're both bitches when we open our mouths so we just... don't talk to each other

how old are you?

but 18 in like 2 months!

ah i just turned 17 a couple months ago


we are,,,, the same age dumbass

using nicknames i see!
are you a lad or a lassie

i'm sorry what does that say in english

r u a boy or a girl

you can guess.

i think you're a girl?

what the fuck no why

i guess you just give off feminine energy??

that's kinda funny?
people call me a girly boy sometimes

oh shit sorry

no it's okay. if you saw me then you would probably understand

i like pretty boys

n i c e

you're so fucking awkward
i love it

shut up goodbye


HI love y'all!! leave some feedback if it's not too much trouble?

- aurora 🌸

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