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richie is bold
eddie is italics


1/28/20  11:42am

only cool kids go to the hospital on tuesdays

are you okay? what the fuck is going on

no need to be worried. i go all the time

but you haven't gone since we started talking

actually, i have! last week
it just never came up

you don't think that being in the hospital would be relevant to bring up in our conversation?

i'm sorry chee
i was afraid to tell you

why would you be afraid of me?

no, richie, it's not that
i just didn't want you to think less of me, i guess.
and i know you better this week than i did last week!

oh. i guess that's true
BUT i would never think less of you
stop making me worried >:(

ooooookay angry boy

i am a MAN

sure you are.

what exactly do you do at the hospital?
if you want to tell me

i do breathing treatments every week and tests on just about everything like once or twice a month.
i'm pretty fucked up

don't say that
you're perfect to me!

that was cheesy.
but thanks
the hospital is like my second home

i think i've been to the doctor maybe two times in my life
once when i was born and the next when i thought i had an std

that's disgusting
so... did you actually have anything?


that's reassuring

why, eds?
think you're gonna get lucky?

no! fuck you
i don't wanna sleep with someone who says someone else's name during sex, sorry

that was ONE (1) time
and it was on purpose

what?? i would like to hear the whole story.

it goes like this:
greta keene is not a very nice person. but she has a nice body and so do i, so we ended up bangin for a while. it was pretty good

okay i don't need that much backstory

anyway! this was around the time that bill and stan started dating. and they aren't actually very expressive about it (contrary to how they acted on saturday)

don't remind me. i don't think i'll ever be able to get that image out of my head.

but greta is sneaky and would tease them about it behind my back. which, she does to most people anyway, but they're my friends, so i knew i needed to retaliate.

i can see where this is going.

i was hitting it from behind! it's not like i actually said it to her face

you sound like a major fuckboy

just let me finish! ha. ha.


anyway! i was literally dying in anticipation to say it. and then i did when i was, you know (i will spare your virgin eyes, but you get the picture)
i was laughing so hard!! and she shoved me off
it was priceless

don't talk about my eyes that way
what did you say

what do you mean? i just explained it to you

no, dumbass
whose name?

oh, right

what the FUCK
we've come full circle
you do have feelings for stan!!!!

i do not. it was a joke, come on
it's the only thing i could think of! and she hates stan

this is comedy gold!
does he know that you yelled his name when you came?

of course he does not know! he would make me dig my grave myself and then kill me

i'm actually laughing. thanks so much

yeah, well, fuck you too

maybe later!
(for legal reasons that was a joke)


second update :)
sorry for my absence! i also sincerely apologize for making richie this much of a fuckboy lmao

- aurora 🌸

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