
1K 46 80

richie is bold
eddie is italics


2/4/20  10:51am

i'm so mad

what's wrong?

i screw everything up

that's not true eddie
seriously, what happened?

i'm leaving the doctor's now
had to do some tests
and there were some... irregularities

are you okay?

guess i'll be fine? i've got pneumonia

ah! stan had that once

with my asthma it's a little bit worse
because now i have two (2) things working against my lungs!!!!

that sucks. i'm super sorry
you're gonna be okay though, right?

yeah! it's good that they caught it this early
but it means that we won't get to go out tomorrow

oh, right

i'm sorry
i literally suck

i could make a joke but i'm not going to
it's not your fault that you got sick, alright?
you don't suck at all

ugh thank you??
for being so kind
i'm just so upset

you want me to call you?

you're in class
i can wait

aww you don't wanna say hi to mr. king??

is that your teacher?

yeah! for religions

i'm gonna pass

i can go to the bathroom

good for you

eds gets off a good one!

don't call me that

e d d i e

no. i'll be okay.
i just need to be alone and possibly cry

that makes me sad
call me when you feel like it?

yes, i will. thanks chee


2/4/20  5:27pm

*incoming call from e💞*


"hey, doll. how was your day?"


"right. you sound like you've been crying."

"i mean, a little bit. I guess."

"do you wanna talk to me about it? no pressure."

"i don't– i don't know. jesus christ. i'm pathetic."

"baby. shh. you're not pathetic at all. whatever the opposite of that is, you're it."

"whatever, dumbass."

"i'm serious! i'm pulling up the thesaurus right now."


"you are admirable. excellent. stellar, baby."

"ha. i just hate having all of these things wrong with me. i would like one single fucking day where i feel alright, you know?"

"yeah. and you do deserve that, eddie.

"and i just feel so bad about our date. i was looking forward to seeing you."

"hey, don't be worrying about me. we can plan that date for another time. and i want to see you too, but you need to be healthy, okay? your needs come first."

"i just... like you. so much. sorry if that's weird, or something. i just really wanted you to know."

"aw, eds. i like you too so much!"

"i'm pretty sure i probably like you more."

"oh, so it's a competition now? yeah, i've definitely got you beat."

"you sure about that?"

"so sure. can i say something crazy?"


"okay, so. hypothetically, if i asked you to be my boyfriend, what would you say?"

"i would say no."

"wha– really?"

"well, yeah. you haven't even taken me out on a date yet! my answer would probably change after that. hypothetically, of course."

"right. hypothetically."

"i'm gonna go, alright? gotta eat dinner and all that."

"oh. what are you having for dinner?"

"meatloaf, i think. gag me."

"take me out to dinner first, eds. jeez."

call ended.


thanks sm for 2k reads!!!!! that's so wild. i love y'all!

- aurora 🌸

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