twenty one

983 40 75

richie is bold
eddie is italics


2/5/20 8:05am

good morning my precious!

ok i'm gonna have to veto that one
it makes you sound like gollum

m y p r e c i o u s >:)

you're a creep

i'm a weirdo

aha radiohead!!!!

when he listens to music <3

i'm pretty sure everyone listens to music, richie

yeah but not everyone has IMMACULATE taste

whatever :)

so how are you feeling??

you know, just trying to rest so i can get better

yes! keep doing that! i wanna see your pretty face

i just wanna


go to class you hooligan

as you wish, princess


2/5/20  5:37pm

let's play a game

i'm listening

it's called favorites!
i ask and answer and then you answer and then ask

surely there was a better way to explain that

i'll go first to show you
what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
mine is mint chocolate chip!!!!!!!

your rights have been revoked

w h a t
you're not playing this game correctly :(

ugh fine
i like strawberry

but i forgive you
now you have to ask me what my favorite "something" is!

what's your favorite color
mine is probably blue?

am i too emo if i say black??
it's just!!!!!

it's emo. but i forgive you

board game?
mine's life

i wasn't really a board game kid
b u t
whenever i went over to bill's i always liked to play battleship

i'm going to make you play all the board games!!!!!

of course
favorite memory?

ooooooh. shit i can't decide
you go first

i can't even remember it all exactly since it was so long ago. i went fishing with my dad before he got really sick. it's my last good memory of him, and it was actually really fun even though i wouldn't be caught dead fishing now

that's really cool!

you really think so?

hell yeah!!!
guess it's my turn huh???
i think i was in maybe... 8th grade? and my dad and i were helping my mom make christmas cookies
and i just remember feeling so warm. it was just the fuckin atmosphere i guess? i felt very loved and it was just a fun day
i also accidentally came out that day so!!

cute!!! sounds so awesome
how'd you do it accidentally?

they were asking about school and stuff i think. and i'd always be careful to use neutral pronouns when talking about anybody that i liked but then i accidentally used 'he' when i was talking about someone i had a crush on at the time
they were like "it's okay to be gay!"
n i was like "i'm bi!"
n then they were like "it's okay to be bi!"
then it was over!

your parents seem really cool
i'd like to meet them

they'd love you

oh! i mean, yeah
if you're comfortable with that?

totally omg!!!!!!!

ahhhh okay :)


sorry that's kind of a weird place to end it but this is just kind of a filler anyway B)
follow me if you want to get updated on the stuff i'm working on!

- aurora 🌸

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