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richie is bold
eddie is italics


1/29/20  12:17pm

i'll attend the party


but what should i bring?

just your sexy self ;)

richie, i'm serious!

okay! i'm honestly being pretty serious. someone's bringing alcohol and bev doesn't want gifts

a l c o h o l

it's a party, eds

i didn't think it was that kind of party! i thought it would be like a regular birthday party

no, baby
beverly doesn't do regular. you'll understand when you meet her.

will there be a lot of people there??

ah, i dunno. maybe around 30? but it's not like people rsvp to these kinds of things

this is mind-boggling

i'll boggle your mind

why are you so horny today

just let me live


nah eds i didn't mean it
come back

seen 12:31pm


1/29/20  4:05pm

i had things to do.
and your lunch was ending

do i, richie tozier, give a fuck about time?


what were you doing?

i was doing classwork
unlike you

i do work!


it's just boring. i can do it just fine. it's just not challenging

that makes you sound like a nerd!
but i wish i was smart because i struggle with just about everything

everyone's smart in their own way. just like everyone has things they're good at and things they don't do so well!
also stop calling me a nerd this is SLANDER

i'm calling you a nerd in the most complimentary way possible

still kinda rude of you

i can be rude if i want

yeah well then fuck off!!!!!!!!
why are we like this when we're texting but in person we're like


yeah! you ruin my image

and what image would that be?

i'm supposed to be... loud and annoying, you know? but around you i just get quiet and i don't know how to handle it

well i get really nervous around you!
and i also don't know why i sent that

that's the idea ;)

you're kind of attractive. not that i've noticed

only kind of? i'm wounded

i take it back

you're attractive too. but i've definitely noticed

no i'm not
fuck off

eds is so fucking pretty!

richie STOP


late update, sorry! try to stay safe around this time, and don't go out if you can help it! 💞

- aurora 🌸

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