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richie is bold
eddie is italics


2/2/20  12:12pm

it's twosday!

but it's a sunday??

aw fuck
you couldn't let me be happy?

would you rather be happy or a fool?
you know what-
don't answer that


2/2/20  2:45pm

how'd you end up with this number anyway??

funny story

is it?

shut up.
a little while before we started talking (a week?) i dropped my phone down the stairs and obliterated it
and i'm assuming greta got a new phone a little bit before that

ughh do not say her name
did you like,,,, crack it??

it was still technically usable but my momma replaced it because she didn't want glass getting in my "fragile baby hands"

fragile baby hands
i love that!

it's annoying. i'm not even that small

is that a joke?

shut the fuck up. it's not even my fault

i know, i know
i was just kidding!

well don't
it gets old hearing people tell you you're "too fragile" or "delicate"

i totally get it. you're not any of those things, eddie
you're strong! brave, even

you mean it?

of course. i wouldn't say it otherwise

thanks. it means a lot, coming from you

of course, baby
if i ever actually make you uncomfortable all you have to do is tell me, okay?


just : yeah?

i just

i'm sorry what

my stomach when richie calls me baby: 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

i did NOT realize it had such an effect on you
good to know.

just forget i said anything

no no no!
i will not be forgetting >:)


2/2/20  8:56pm

*incoming call from rich 🦋*


"you speak spanish?"

"hell yeah!"

"i call bullshit on that."

"okay, yeah, you're right. wouldn't it be hot if i did though?"

"i... guess so?"

"eds, you can stop pretending you don't find me hot. i think we're past that."

"if you bring up us kissing one more time—"

"i wasn't! but why did your mind automatically go there, huh?"

"i was just saying it would be like you to bring it up. it's not like i'm, like, into you or anything."

"oh my god, eddie. are you joking?"



"yes! just kidding. i'm very into you."

"i love your laugh."

"oh. i, um, thanks?"

"gahhh! what a cutie."

"hmm. whatever."

"don't act like you don't like it! i can hear you smiling!"

"you can't hear a smile, richie."

"i obviously can. are you smiling right now?"

"...yeah. point taken."

"you've gotta go to bed, right?"


"i'll talk to you tomorrow then, okay?"

"okay. night, chee."

"night, baby."

call ended


i have nothing to say 😌

- aurora 🌸

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