t w e n t y f i v e

723 34 28

richie is bold
eddie is italics


2/9/20  9:23am

doing alright?

i just drove home from bev's

you were something else last night

excuse me while i never show my face again

you read the texts?

i have no idea why i'm so whiny when i'm high

it was a little bit cute
do you remember the call?

kinda and i remember the cheetos,,,,,
and bev hit me for some reason

oh. yeah

oh god
did i say something gross

you said you wanted to suck me off
which isn't even THAT bad
just bold

i'm super sorry if i made you uncomfortable
i get horny when i'm high
which isn't an excuse!!!!!!!!
i'm just saying

i'm not mad. i just don't know if i,,,,,
wanna do that just yet?

that's totally cool! we can go at your pace
i wouldn't have suggested it if i were sober

you wouldn't have??

i might have
but not over the phone like that

i would take you up on the hickey though ;)

did eddie just send me the winking emoticon

nevermind i take it back

i was just very pleased

i would imagine.

not to kill the vibe we've got going but
i have a book report due tomorrow and i haven't read the book yet

oh yikes
how long will it take you to read it?

it's a couple hundred pages
so i'm guessing around 3 hours

well it's pretty early in the day, so that should give you quite a bit of time to work on the report part

bye i guess :(

we'll talk later


2/9/20 12:51pm

okay i am done with the book

have you eaten today?


well why don't you take a break then
just make yourself something easy

what should i eat

a sandwich?

i'm gonna put a ton of mayo on it >:)

yuck. i hate mayo

what is your preferred condiment then?

or anything that's not mayo

okay ketchup isn't even THAT good
it's basically just like tomato jelly

okay yeah kinda
but mayo is raw eggs
and like,,,,,, sadness

eddie lmaoooo

i'm just saying!

no mayo for you. got it
*attachment 1 image*
selfie time! ft my mom

that's such a cute picture
your mom is so pretty omg
you look a lot alike!

she said thanks :)
i mean i am her child
speaking of child


i have a secret
well technically it's not mine
so if i tell you you can't tell anyone else

i don't have that many people to tell besides you

n e ways
my mom is with it

what is that supposed to mean

oh. oops
my mom is going to have a baby!

oh wow!!

i would have told you sooner
but they want it to be a "surprise"
for whatever reason

how far along is she?

like 12ish? weeks

out of how many?
sorry i don't really know pregnancy terminology

that's okay because i'm an e x p e r t
there are 40 weeks basically! or 9 months
she's due at the end of august

that's pretty cool!
you're gonna have a sibling

yes B)
i have consumed my sandwich so you know what that means

back to work you go!

yep :(

have fun!


here y'all go. also i dunno why the sibling subplot TM is a thing but just,,,,,, roll with it

- aurora 🌸

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