twenty three

988 54 32

2/7/20  5:43pm

richie was low key (high key) freaking out.

he had picked up battleship from bill's house after school, and was in the process of keeping multiple pans from burning on his stove when his phone began ringing loudly. he picked it up from the counter without looking at the caller id before answering the call and situating it in his shoulder. "hello?" he asks, his voice coming out a bit too harsh.

"sorry... is this a bad time?"

he immediately recognized it as eddie's voice. "no! 'course not. what's up, doll?"

"nothing. you sound stressed."

"i am a bit, yeah." he laughed. "i'm trying to cook dinner."

eddie hummed. "whatcha makin'?"

"spaghetti," richie said, stirring the pan of sauce. "you like spaghetti, right?"

"yeah, i like spaghetti," eddie giggled, and richie couldn't help the smile that came onto his face. "what for?"

"just wondering!" richie said, and at that moment the timer beeped. "oh! that's the noodles."

he took the pot over to the sink and dumped the contents of the pot into the strainer, the steam coming up and fogging his glasses. "my eyes!"

he returned to the stove with the noodles and dumped them into the sauce he had prepared. he stirred for a moment before a peculiar smell came to him. what was that?

eddie let out a long sigh. "look, richie, i–" richie barely heard eddie as he screeched, "THE BREAD!"

richie swore. "eds, i'm gonna have to take care of this. see you later, yeah?"

he heard a "wha–?" before he hung up and threw his phone on the counter. richie covered his hands in potholders before sticking them in to grab the charred garlic bread. "damnit," he said, to no one in particular.


2/7/20 6:08pm

eddie never believed life could get this boring.

sure, he'd been sick before. he had a weak immune system (a weak everything, if you asked his mother) and a treasure trove of problems dealing with his lungs, so it shouldn't be that bad. but somehow, now that he has something to look forward to–richie, his mind supplied–it's even worse.

he was sitting in bed trying to read the book little women when he heard his mother's voice from downstairs. There was also another voice that he couldn't place because it was speaking so softly. He figured it was probably just a television program his mother was upset with.

a few minutes later there was a gentle knock on his door. "come in," he said, fully expecting to see his mother behind it, but instead was met with richie's grinning face.

eddie spluttered for a moment. "wh–how?"

richie was still standing in his doorway, and then eddie noticed the containers of what looked like spaghetti (and... battleship?) in his hands. "i just didn't want you to be sad." eddie swore his heart melted a little bit.

"just put the stuff on the desk and come hold me," eddie said, and made grabby hands at richie, who laughed at him but obeyed. richie came to him after setting his things down and sat across from eddie on the bed, bending down to loop his arms under eddie's own.

"hi," richie whispered, and buried his face in eddie's neck and taking a deep breath.

"are you smelling me?" eddie whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice.

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