♕𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐨𝐰☁

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TW: cursing, mentions of a hospital, mental & physical abuse] {When the abuse starts I will put a line of ***, and ill put another line when it ends}

(Virgil's POV)

'Holy shit'

       I just had my first kiss, in a hospital. That isn't normal, right? I don't think it is.

'And he called me his Angel'

       I couldn't believe this was real. I was waiting for all of this to end and I'd just wake up in my house. But no, this was real, he was real, the kiss was real.

      After I grasped back to reality I looked up at Roman. He is just smiling down at me. I love it, his eyes on me, his stare makes me feel. . . loved. I don't usually feel that.

       "Was kissing you too far, I'm sorry Virgil I didn't mean to cross a line," He nervously rubbed the back of his neck,"I just like, no, love you alot and I-"

       "Shut up, you didn't cross any line. I... I really enjoyed the kiss, and I like the nickname...alot." I cut him off, he let out a reliefed sigh after hearing my confirmation.

       He looked down at me with that cute little charming smile, but then that smile turned into a frown. I looked up at him quizzically. Why is he looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

       "Virgil... what is that?" He said in a worried tone of voice while pointing at my arm.

       There was a black n' blue bruise on my upper arm that was marked and left by my father.

       "Oh, um, that um that's nothing don't worry." I lied hoping to god he'd stop questioning about it right then and there. But, Nope he didn't stop.

       "Virgil, what is it? And don't try to pass it off as a self-harm injury. That doesn't resemble self-inflicted at all."

       Just as I was about to start an argument about it, Patton and Roman's mother came in.

       Patton looked like he'd been crying. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. " I'm okay Virgil don't worry, Hehe," He said, his voice was weak and wavery. I let it go, I'll ask him about it later.

      Roman's mother looked at him," Roman, sweetheart, we will staying in a hotel now until we go back to Florida." She spoke out softly.

       "What why? We were just there this morning it was fine, what happened?" Roman looked confused and concerned. He's worried and annoyed.

       "My dad happened..." Patton mumbled.

 'I have to ask him later about what is going on.'

[Time Skip 3 months bc Vi deserves to be healthy and happy, even tho he is about to be less happy]

(Virgil's POV)

       In the hospital I felt safe, I knew people were there to help me. But now, I'm back home, I don't feel safe anymore.

       Dad was pissed about my attempt. He never came to the hospital to visit, he didn't care if I died or not. He picked me up to take me back to the hell I call home a few months ago.

       My life has just gotten worse, and Patton stopped hanging out with me too. My relationships have been hell. At school, it has been hell. Home has been hell. Life has just been hell.

       Well, life has been hell, all except for Roman. He has been making life worth living.

       I heard the front door open. My dad just came home from work and I haven't done my chores.


       He yelled from downstairs,"You little shit! Why aren't the fucking dishes done!?" I heard him coming up the stairs.

Double Fuck

       What the hell do I do? He's going to kill me. Why is he home early?


       I started hyperventilating and hid in my closet. His loud footsteps were making their way up the stairs. I forgot to lock the door.

Triple Fuck

       I heard my door swing open and slam against my wall. My father's raspy, dark voice was the only noise in the room.

       "Virgil, my darling son. Come out I only want to teach you a lesson." He trailed his nails against my wall and stopped in front of my bed.

       "Now just where could you be? Hmm, maybe under the bed?" He kneeled down," Hmm, no? What about under the desk?" He walked over to my desk while undoing his belt. He bent down and obviously didn't see me under the desk.

       He took off his belt fully and prepared it to swing at me when he found me.

       "Now there's only one place left, you're in the closet aren't you," He walked over to the closet and opened the door," found you~" he smirked in a corruptly way down at me. All I did was a whimper. He pulled me out of the closet and pushed me to my floor. He hit me with the metal of the belt, again and again, and again. He kicked me over and over again. My body sourced with pain. All of this just because I didn't do a few chores.

       He pulled me back up roughly and grabbed my wrist in an arduous way as he dug his nails into it. He yanked me down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I knew what was going to happen, and I just had to prepare for the pain. He turned on the stove's burner and grabbed a cutting knife from the knife block.

       He grabbed my left arm and rolled up my sleeve and cut me deep four times until the burner was hot enough in his opinion. He then shoved the hand, of the same arm, onto the burner. I wanted to scream in pain and for help. But I couldn't, I would only get into more trouble. So I naturally whimpered as my eyes teared up.

       "This is what you get you fucking lazy bitch," he pulled my hand off the burner, and then he slapped me," this is the only way you can learn how to act right!"

       He then purposefully, roughly took my burnt hand, and pulled me to the basement door.

       He opened the basement door and he pushed me down the stairs.

       All I can remember is hitting my head a little too hard on the way down, the slamming of the basement door, and my vision going black.

       My last thought being of Roman, I wish he was here right now. I need him now...


[I'm so freaking sorry everyone I was having horrible writer's block. But I finally got this done, and the next 2 chapters will hopefully be out in the next 3 weeks. I love you all and thank you for being so wonderfully patient. If anyone is treating you like Virgil's father is please mention it to someone bc it is not okay and you do not deserve it. I hope you all have a good day/sweet night! I love y'all!♡♡]

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