♕𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭☁

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[TW: cursing, mentions of police, mentions of hospitals]

(Logan's POV)

         Texting with Patton was above satisfactory. Though,  what he informed me about his father did indeed 'piss me off'. But Patton told me to check on Roman, due to things going on with Virgil, so I suppose I should.

        I got out of my desk chair and exited my bedroom. I walked down the hallway and up to Roman's door. I knocked, after a few moments with no answer and a lot of footsteps I knocked again.

        When he didn't answer again I just opened the door. Yes, it may be invasive, but I wanted to make sure he was alright.

         I entered the room, closing the door behind me. He was pacing around the room. It looked as if he were nonverbally talking to himself. His lips were moving, but not a single sound was exiting it, just air. Still, I was unnoticed.

        I cleared my throat at a sound level that most would presume unnormal. When I did so, I finally got his attention.

        He looked at me with glossed over eyes, he looked like he was panicking. Or in immense worry.

        "Roman, are you alright?" The ignorant question, I know. But I'd like to get his answer just to be sure before I get all feelings-y. He shook his head 'no' in reply.

        I sighed, I wasn't really in the mood for feelings.

        I walked up to him and gently took his hand in mine. I walked him over to his bed and sat us both down.

        "Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong," I spoke as gently and softly as possible to assure him of my comforting presence.

        He shakily took a few deep breaths. He then turned to me and began to speak.

        "Well this is going to sound stupid, but, like," he groaned," I'm scared for Virgil. His father was abusing him, and he told me but like I dunno his address so I told Pat. So Pat called the police. But Virgil's okay now, but it's just worrying me about what'll happen to him. He's on his way to the police station. But I don't know I'm just hella worried about him."

        I stared for a moment before speaking.

        "Well this situation seems difficult, but I know for a fact this will all be over soon. Especially if the police are already involved with it. Try to calm down and look at the positives instead of the negatives."

         I was trying my best to be supportive. But I'm not quite sure how to do this properly.

        "Okay, okay I'll try. And Logan thank you. Thank you for trying to comfort me I know it's hard for you. With your um what was it called?"

        "Father calls them an emotional liability."

        "Yeah that, but I know it's hard for you.  So thank you for this. I love you."

        "I love you as well."

[ Time skip brought to by me wanting to get this chapter over so I can make food ]

(Virgil's POV)

         I was lead to the police station. I had never been to one before it was sorta... scary? I felt safe but also unsafe. Just a bunch of conflicting emotions. The officer with me told me to wait in the waiting room. I obliged out of slight fear of her.

        I went in and as soon as I did I saw Patton and his mother there. Patton looked up and saw me and quickly hopped up and ran over and hugged me. I was extremely confused.

       He hadn't talked to me in months. Ever since the hospital. He left our school, transferred to some all-boy Christian school. I don't know why though. He just stopped talking to Roman, Logan and I. He just stopped. I haven't gotten an explanation.

        Though I do know that Roman and he are the reasons that I'm here. Patton was the one who called the police.

        I hugged him back. I missed him.

        Then I heard sniffling in my shoulder.

       "Virgie I'm so so so so sorry. I wish I could've told you what happened, why I left school, why I wasn't talking with you. Roman told me how upset you were. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Patton was softly crying into my shoulder.

        I hugged him tighter and began to rub small circles of comfort on the small of his back. I began whispering small reassurances like 'it's okay' and 'I forgive you' and 'don't worry'.

        He began calming down and he removed himself from the hug and smiled at me rubbing his eyes.

        He was about to begin to talk until I was called back for questioning.

[ Time brought to you by me not knowing how the heck this works uwu ]

(Virgil's POV)

         So I'm staying with Patton and his Mother for three weeks. His father is out of town for that period of time. And my brother is setting up a room for me in that time.

        I haven't seen my brother in awhile. He and I don't get to talk much. But I can't wait to move in with him and his boyfriend.

        But for now I get to stay with Patton.

(Hii Lovelies! How are all of you. I hope you are all staying safe and washing your hands. I'd like to inform you that there are only six more chapters to this story. Be prepared for a bunch of fluff and some painful angst. Anyway, I love y'all! I hope you have a lovely day and a sweet night!♡♡)

𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐋【♕𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘹𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺☁】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora