♕𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠☁

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TW: cursing

(Roman's POV)

         Logan left me alone, Patton won't reply, Virgil can't reply.

         I don't know what to do. I'm still worried about Virgil. I know I shouldn't be, but it's hard not to be. I feel like he's in danger still and or that he's angry with me for calling the police.

         I just want him to be okay, I love him, and he knows that I hope.

        I decided to try to get my mind off things and went over to my TV. I turned it on and found my way to Disney+. I layed on the floor and watched, or well listened to, Tangled, while I starred at the ceiling.

         About halfway through the movie, a knock was heard outside my door. I called out for whoever it was to come in.

(Logan's POV)

        "Come innnn!" I heard Roman speak on the other side of the door on which I knocked on.

          I entered the room slowly and looked around until my eyes landed on Roman, who was laying on the floor cuddling with a blanket.

         I sighed shutting the door behind myself. I walked up to his bed and took a seat on the edge.

         I spoke up after afew seconds of listening to his Disney movie.

         "Roman, I have an offer. I have talked to mother and father about this and they have agreed due to their trust in me."

        "Okaayy?? And what is this offer?" He queried.

        "Well, if you'd like. I will drive us both up to Auburn."

         "Wait, holy shit, for real!" He spoke quickly as he got up and stood in front of me.

         "Yes, Roman, 'for real' as you refer to it."

         He sqealed abit and hugged me, I was quite uncomfortable, but I let him do it. It was his way of showing appreciation.

         "It's an eighteen hour drive, so ask Patty if it is alright."

         "Okay!" He picked up his phone then stopped for a moment. "Patty? Since when do you give nicknames, hmmm?" He raised an eyebrow and a smirk spread across his lips.

         "We can talk about it in the car, just ask him and text me his answer, please and thank you," I spoke quicker than usual and left his room.

(Roman's POV)


Me: Patton!?

Me: How would you feel if I were to get a ride up to Auburn to visit you and the emo nightmareee


         It was 15 minutes until he replied.


PatDad: Oh my goodness

PatDad: I'd l o v e that!!

Me: Would your parents be okay with it???

PatDad: Yuppers!

PatDad: My mom said it's dandy

Me: And your dad?

PatDad: He's on a business trip thingy

PatDad: So it's all fine

Me: Ookayyy

Me: Is it okay if we show up in like 2 days?

PatDad: So... Saturday??

Me: Yeahhh

PatDad: That's absolutely fine :)

Me: Okayyy


         I moved from my messages with Padre to my messages with Logan.


Me: He said it's okay

Me: His mom said yes

CalculatorWatch: What about his father?

Me: Oh he's on some business trip

CalculatorWatch: Alright, good.

Me: Why good?

CalculatorWatch: Unimportant.

CalculatorWatch: Now get packed, we'll leave tomorrow at 10 am.

Me: Okay


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