Chapter 12- Not enough

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Chad took me home later that night, and I hate to say it but I was upset that the night ended so briefly.

I walked inside and mom was knocked out as usual, I went into my room and unpacked and texted Gravity letting her know that I was home.

Maybe I needed a break from the other side of my life for just a while, I felt like Gravity and I friendship was slowly slipping away.

I didn't want that to happen so I was going to start hanging out with her more.

The next morning
Gravity👭: "Ari is having a party tonight, you wanna go?"

I looked at the phone with blurry vision, I had just woke up from my deep slumber and Gravity was wide awake apparently.

I honestly didn't know why she asked me did I wanna go because she knew I hated public outings.

Plus it was an "Ari" party and everybody knew what happened at those, many people got pregnant, did drugs, broke name it.

Ari was one of those rich white girls who's parents barely cared about what she did.

She hosted these parties at least once a year and her parents were out of town every time.

These parties were so legendary that maybe my kids will hear about it but every time she threw a damn party the police always showed up.

Gravity was my friend though so I couldn't chicken out like I always did so I guess we were going to this Ari party.

I texted her back saying that I'll go, lord knows I didn't want to but for her I will.

Gravity👭: "yessssss I love this energy!!! I'll be there soon because we need to go shopping ASAP!!!"

She responded, I have to admit I was a little excited about tonight all because I was spending time with her.

I got up out of my bed and went to freshen up for the day because clearly when Gravity texted me it was the crack of dawn.

I put my hair in a messy bun and threw on a Nike sweatsuit.

"Good morning mom, feeling okay?" I asked as I walked into the living room

"Yeah I'm fine honey, what's planned for today?" She asked

"Gravity is suppose to come by today so we can go shopping for this party she wants to go to" I told her

"You're going to a party?" My mom asked rhetorically as she laughed

"Right, I cant believe it either but I decided to because Gravity always does what I want and I never want to do what she wants soooo here we are" I replied

"Well I'm glad that your being a good friend. Besides I think it's a start that you're getting out of your comfort zone. It's good to have fun and I know taking care of me is a lot on you but I still want you to go out and be a teenager." She told me

"Thanks mom, I love you so much and I don't care what it takes I'll make sure you get that surgery so everything can be okay" I replied

"J'aime trop beau, vers la lune et le dos" she smiled at me and kissed my forehead
Translation: I love you too beautiful, to the moon and back.

"au soleil, à la lune et aux étoiles et retour" I laughed and said
Translation: to the sun,moon and the stars and back

"Go get ready for the mall crazy girl, teach you French and you won't stop speaking it" she said

"I am ready and it's your fault" I chuckled and went to my room to grab my phone to text Gravity

She told me she just left the house and that she was on the way.

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