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"Unc you can't just leave me here alone zay never here and I don't have my car, how imma get to places?" I said whining. I had got in a "small" car wreck not too long ago, so my car would be in the shop for two months until the parts for my car got shipped in.

"I'm only gone be gone for two weeks baby girl. I left you a card with money on it you can just call u a Lyft or a Uber when u need somewhere to go." I knew I should of just let him get me that damn rental.

He checked his watch. "It's time for me to go, if you bring company make sure u watch them, ik how people get, if any of my shit come up missing-"

My uncle didn't trust people in his house at all. I could understand why tho somebody stay getting robbed out here.

"Ain't nothing gone come up missing uncle, and ain't nobody gone be in this house besides Rena and Ari... and they definitely don't steal." I said my best friends got they own damn money they don't need to steal.

"😗 that Rena girl...idk she be a lil too quiet u know what they say about them..."

"Unc Bye, didn't you say u had to go."

"Girl I leave when I want, but I do gotta go bye baby girl love you." He said walking out the door.

"Bye uncle Lloyd, love you." I shut the door and locked it before turning around and making me a snack in the kitchen.

I got a notification on my phone from a unknown number. I didn't respond because I didn't know who it was.

After I ate my snack i headed upstairs to my room so I could take a nap. I didn't have anything planned so I was Probably gone be in the house all day.

I jumped out my sleep when I heard loud knocking on the door. I fixed my clothes and slid on my slides.

"Here I come damn." I yelled walking down the steps. Don't nobody know that my uncle not home and mutha fuckas know not to be knocking like that when he here. I'm always getting woke up out my damn sleep.

When I opened the door I came face to face with Ari and Rena.

"Ari why the hell you knocking on the door like you the police, my uncle could of been here damn." I was standing in front of the door way they ain't coming up in here I'm tryna go the fuck to sleep.

"That was Rena knocking loud I knocked lightly, you always think it's me who be doing the most."

"Girl his car not even here, let us in." Rena said, walking in before I could even respond.

"You so damn rude I did not say y'all could come over I'm not even dressed plus I was having a good ass dream." 😉

"Girl bye, we done seen u in worse." Ari said.

"What y'all come over here for anyway?" I asked irritated. I don't know why but I've been getting very frustrated and irritated lately...

"Mack want us to go over to his house and watch Mya and Montez, while he go out to handle some business." Ari said while grabbing some candy out my uncle candy bowl.

Mya and Montez are Mack's twin daughter and son they some cute ass kids but they bad as Hell.

"I don't wanna be watching no bad ass kids, he can't call somebody else and ask."

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