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"We have to tell him when he's old enough Lloyd we have to tell Eisha too." I peeped my head out the door looking to see my uncle and my mom trying to quietly talk.

"We can never tell them it's for the best. I don't want Elias to hate me, he's all I have."

Uncle Lloyd walked away while my mom stood there with her head in her hands, she looked so stressed.

I ran out of my room grabbing and hugging her legs.

"What's wrong mommy." I was supposed to be sleeping but I couldn't just sit there and watch her cry.

"Ohh baby nothing's wrong with mommy, why aren't you sleeping." She wiped her eyes and picked me up carrying me to my room and laying me down in my bed.

"I'm not sleepy yet mommy, What's this on your arm." She had bruises and small holes all over her arm.

"Oh baby, mommy hurt herself in the kitchen earlier I'm okay."

"Okay mommy." I sat there still hugging her.

"you know you turn 5 tomorrow right?"


I squirmed around and laughed as she tickled me.

"My E baby growing too fast."

"that's a good thing mommy."

"Yes and no, cause your gonna hate me when your older."

My smile dropped and she started stroking my big curly Afro.

"I wont hate you mommy, I love you too much mommy."

I hugged her and she looked at me smiling.

"You pinky promise baby."

"I pinky promise mommy."


I woke up from my dream and looked over at my clock it was 2 pm.

I've been having that dream since I was 8 after my mom left us, and never looked back. She got hooked to drugs and that completely changed her life, along with her relationship with me and Zay'air.

I never put too much thought into the dream because I had a big imagination as a kid, but I could swear that it happened in real life, because I can faintly remember the day before my 5th birthday, I've always wanted to know what my mom and Lloyd were talking about but then again it couldn't be that important.

There was a knock on the door and in came Niya.

"Eisha you wanna come with me and Mack to the mall cause I know you've been bored and I know you can walk around and stuff now."

"I don't know I'm not really in the mood."

She walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Come on E you not in the mood cause you're not trying to have fun. I wanna spend more time with you, I barely got to do that before the accident, and we are cousins now."

I looked at her and I could tell she genuinely wanted to spend time.

"Plus we can ask Ari if she wants to come, Rena told us she was with her cousins so she can't come."

"Fine I'll go, but I'm not staying out for that long."


She helped me up out of bed and then left closing the door behind her.

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