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2 months later...

"Gio get off my uncles property now." He was here drunk trying to talk to me but I wasn't having it, I wanted to speak to a sane and sober Gio.

"Listen to me baby, just listen to Me, I'm telling you the truth."

"Gio come back tomorrow, it's 3 am."

"No it's now or never, I'm done begging you."

"You know what Gio don't come back at all you can just go."

He ran up the porch steps and grabbed me before I could walk into the house.

"Where you going."

"In my house away from you, get the hell off of me." I said trying to get him off of me but he had a strong grip. I started hitting on his chest and arms, but it didn't faze him, that's when I started to scratch and kick, and next thing I know his hand flew back and landed on my face.

"You a fuckin hypocrite, you want me to open up and listen to you, but you doing all this."

He let go of me and I dropped to the ground holding on to my cheek, where he had just slapped me.

I sat there with tears streaming down my face while he stood there looking sorry. Before he could say or do anything I ran into the house locking the door.

"EISHA, BABY I AINT MEAN TO DO THAT, COME BACK OUT BABY IM SORRY!" He yelled through the door while also repeatedly knocking.

I didn't answer Instead I ran upstairs and crawled under my cover crying myself to sleep.

Nobody was home so nobody knew what just went down.

The next day...

I was separating myself from Gio because I was embarrassed and ashamed. He had called and texted me numerous amounts of times but I didn't answer any of the text, I eventually ended up blocking him on all social media so he would no longer be able to contact me.

No one knew what happened that night and I didn't plan on any one finding out cause it was no ones business, people do know that me and Gio are broken up though.

People had their assumptions of why we weren't together and I was fine with that because they were assumptions for a reason, no one would actually ever know the truth, only what they came up with.

"Eisha it's way too fucking hot to be wearing that long sleeve ass shirt, wear something cooler." Niya said.

"I'm fine nini, I'm actually cold." I tried convincing her.

"Mmm, Girl when u pass out don't say I didn't try to tell you."

"Let's go y'all Mack waiting for us." Ari yelled from downstairs.

I grabbed my slides and slid them on, walking towards my vanity to see if the bruise on my face was visible, it wasn't but I still added a little foundation.

"Eisha hurry."

I ran down the stairs leaving out of the door, and getting into Mack's car, we were going to tays birthday pool party to show him some love.

They were going swimming but of course I wasn't, because I didn't want anyone to see the bruise. I just told them I was on my period so they wouldn't keep asking why I didn't want to get into the pool.


Once we got there it was so hot, I don't know how I was finna make it through the heat, I grabbed me a bottle of water and sat underneath the shade.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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