chapter 1

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"ELLIE! The plane leaves in half an hour!"

My friend Katie screams down the phone.

"I KNOW I'M PACKING!" I had slept in, again. Just like to make it clear now that I should really sue the clock company, it's not my fault if the alarm doesn't go off and I miss my flight. I had won a holiday for four in the Caribbean in a magazine competition. I had been looking forward to this all year. I wouldn't have usually even entered one, but on my 18th birthday I was drunk and I filled out a sudoku. It's a drinking game where every answer you get, you have to take another big sip from your drink. We were really drunk okay?

Anyway I sat on my suitcase and struggled to get it shut. I would have to make a sacrifice. I opened it and looked at the items. I suppose I could remove one of the books. I had packed 10 hard back books for a fortnight holiday. I had all of them on my kindle anyway. However, just having a book to hold makes me feel more connected to a character. They live in the gaps between pages. You didn't get that connection on a tablet. I suppose I will have to sacrifice my coat. I'm going to the tropics anyway. It's not exactly as if it's going to rain there.


I sprinted security, tripping over a small child in the process and falling flat on my face, but I gave him enough money to buy a new ice cream and ran away before his mum could shout at me for getting mint choc chip all over his face.

"30 seconds longer and we would have left without you." I turn around and see the familiar faces that brightened up the room. Katie, Alex and Hollie stood there beaming.

"HI!!!" I shouted as I ran over to them. I was about to hug them when the angry mother of the child burst into the room.


"Why?" Alex asked.

"BECUASE HER CHILD TRIPPED ME UP AND THEN GOT ICE CREAM ON HIMSELF AND FOR SOME REASON SHE'S BLAMING ME!" I ran for my life into the aeroplane. My friends, all of them just as uncoordinated as me, all ran into the back of me. We fell in a heap in the main aisle of the plane. Everyone stared at us and that walk down the aisle to our seats at the back of the plane consisted of some of the most judgemental looks I've ever received. I didn't care though, I was, after overcoming several obstacles, finally on board the plane to my 'tropical paradise' as the magazine had put it, I think, If I'm honest though I can't even remember doing it. After the flight attendant had told everyone to pug their seat belts on, Hollie fished out a ear plug splitter from her bag and we listened to the vamps for nearly all the journey, accompanied by a bit of Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. It was moments like this that made life worth it.

*this will become a vamps fanfic either next chapter or the chapter after that, also ily lots Katie, Alex, and Hollie ;)*

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