chapter 12

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**Brad's POV"

It was the morning after we first met. Somehow I had managed to not only to get her number, but also to see her again the morning after. I walked, hand in hand, towards the only decent coffee shop on the island. The door rang open and it looked like an English coffee shop, completely out of place in the warm, paradise. It was empty, unsuprisingly as half of the poulation were British and American tourists aged between 18 and 25 whose entire liquid consumption consisted of alcohol, and water to water down the alcohol currently in their system.

"What d'you want?" I looked back at alex, who was trying to hide her smile.

"Coffee please." She said, blushing for some reason.

"A coffee and a tea please."

Alex went over to the corner to get a seat while I stood and handed over the currency, which I had no idea how much the colourful notes were worth in this country.

I walked over with the mugs that burnt the edges of my fingers and saw her tapping on the table quietly, looking at something in the distance. I saw a flash of affection that was quickly folowed by an unexplained self-abasement.

When she saw me she smiled and eyed the coffee. I had to stop myself from laughing. She, and I know how cheesy it may sound, she made me happy. I woke up an all I wanted to do was see her face, hear her laugh, and just talk to her.

"Weird to think had it not been for Tristans clumsyness, we'd never have even met."

"Or Ellie's addiction to alcohol!" Alex laughed.

"So," I paused, momentarily stuck for words, "What do you do in your spare time?"

"Its pretty basic really, I play with my puppy, Ralph, watch doctor who and supernatural, writing on wattpad and drawing."

I smiled.

"What?" Alex laughed.

"Doctor Who. It literally has so many memories for me, I would always dress up as a dalek and chase my sister around the house, yelling exterminate until one of the neighbours would knock on our door complaining of the noise."

I must have been smiling, but I found myself subconsciously frowning. I missed those times. The times where I could just be happy. The times when I couldn't stop laughing because I was laughing so much. Also known as childhood.

Silence broke out and thats when I realised just how in love with her I was. She was just looking at the busy carribbean market stalls. Her hazel hair flowed past her shoulders and clear pale skin glowing in the dim coffee shop. Her hands wrapped around her coffee mug, as if she was cold. Why did it make me so confused. I couldn't think of any words thst described how I truly felt about her. I guess the word that first came into my mind was 'love' but that didn't even seem to come close.

I struggled to pinpoint a single thought becuase of my racing pulse and mind. I had always thought I was emotionally numb, unable to attach myself properly to another human. I guess it just took someone brilliant, who I would meet through a series of improbable events that happened at exactly the right time. And Alex really is someone brilliant enough for the universe to lavish it's improbabilities and rare perfections on.

**Sorry it might be a bit badly written in some places I have been a bit stuck in some places sorry** :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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