Explaining and shenanigans

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{Angel's POV} 

Cherri got there a little after me. 

"Hey Ang! what do you wanna talk about" 

" it's uh.. complicated to explain, but there's this guy. " 

"Oh!" she said and smiled. 

"but.... he doesn't like me, he doesn't even like to notice me." 

" oh.. " 

"yea! he sees I'm trying to grab his attention and talk to him,' I say then I look away. I tap my foot on the ground for a bit. 

"I see this is really troubling you. but don't worry,  we don't have to talk about this right now. We could try talking about I some other time, " she said sounding very caring. 

 "no I could try to spit out a full sentence." 

 " okay, shoot then " 

 I look at her directly in the eye. 

"basically I like a guy, but he don't like me. He ignores me and keeps making up excuses to not have to talk to me! and this has been going on for a few days" I say, Inhaling really heavily. Did I even take a breathe? no. I spit the sentence out at once.

 "Oh, I guess this is getting to you because it's technically the first time a guy hasn't wanted you right then and there. " Cherri said taking a drink.

"it's not that..." I say looking away. "it's that this is probably the first time I've actually liked a guy. and it's not just cuz I'm bored." 

" oh" 

"alright, I'm sorry for pouring this all on you. how 'bout we talk about some random shit" I said playfully punching her in the shoulder

-a few more hours of them goofing around and talking -

{Angel's POV} 

I was walking back, sorta tired from all this emotional shit, and from hanging out with Cherri. I mean I know it's only been like a week but it's so fun to hang out with her. 

as soon as I walk there the door I see Charlie pacing around the room. then I close the door and she looks up. (that's some Disney channel shit right there folks) 

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" she yells, looking panicked. she wraps her hands around two of my writs "I was worried!!" 

 I looked down at her. "sorry." 

 she looks up at me pissed "sorry doesn't cut it, sir! you were gone for 7 hours! I know it's hell and all but still!" 

 "geez, don't you make a great mother." I take my hands away from hers and walk away from her a little "Which is good I guess for me, considering my mother went to heaven." ( I read something were it said it was cannon that angels mom went to heaven) 

"I'm sorry Angel but that doesn't matter right now, you'll see her soon if things go right, just where were you?!" she said walking towards me. 

"I was out" I say then just completely walking away. 



 "wow, what?"

"you really did that?" 

"did what?" 

" took off"

 "and, we all do that at one point"

" Well you did so without telling anyone, then couldn't even tell Charlie where you were. " 

"It doesn't matter were I was earlier." I look at him " all the matters now its that I wasn't kidnapped and raped, just to be sold for random kinky shit" I pour me a cup of juice, and smiled.

 "damn really had to get into depth with that. but I guess your right. considering you wouldn't want to be gone if anything majorly well happens" 

 " like? " I ask as I pick up a cup of juice, and start to drink it as he talks

 "like, the hotel becomes a success. or Charlie and Vaggie get married... Maybe even a certain someone ends up finds out about your huge crush on him and then finds out he likes you back" 

 I froze. 

I didn't finish drinking my drink. I didn't respond. I just stood there, slightly leaning on the counter, mid drink. my eyes were open wide. 

 I stood there for a few seconds. I was scared, he said it so casually. 


'how'd you know? " 

 "it's kinda obvious." 


 "I mean we kinda know, except Niffty and your crush himself." he chugged some alcohol, "I don't think you picked right he's a little dense." 

 I laughed. "I guess, but he is good at ducking people" 

 "yea, he dodged you like 4 times in one day. and we aren't even including the other time from the days week." 

 that's when we heard Alastor walking in talking to Charlie about how I left. 

 I panicked "speaking of ducking people" I jumped over the counter and hid behind there. 

Husk looked down at me then patted my head. "you poor poor love sick kid" then he looked back up to talk to Charlie and Alastor.

I couldn't see anything that was going on, but I could hear them (obviously ding dong) 

"Hey husk, have you seen Angel recently?" Charlie asked. 

"Er-" he glanced down at me and when he did I put my finger to my mouth to tell him to shut up. "No I haven't, not since he left 8 hours ago" 

"Oh, thats a shame." Alastor said , sounding unenthusiastic and like he didn't give two shits. "we really needed to know where he was. also a Female friend of his called a few minutes passed asking for him.  Saying that she need to talk to him" 

"cool" is all husk said. but I need more information, I knew it was Cherri but I need to hear more. Like if she told them anything thinking it was me,  So I hit him "Ow- Er.." he rolled his eyes then kicked me . "did you happen to catch a name? just by chance." 

"Ah yes we did! Her name wa-" Alastor started

"Her name was Cherri bomb" Charlie said cutting him off "she said she need to talk to him about something asap! So if you see him please send him to one of us" 

"Alright, I'll 'look 'out for him" Husk said. 

Then they left. he told me I could stand up again. 

"your a mess" he said laughing, it was the first time I've heard him laugh. it was cute.  "all this for a guy!" 

"if you think this is bad, you should have seen me when I was alive!" 

we laughed. 

"Okay well, I should probably call Cherri back" i say leaving. 


did you guys know it was husk at first that Angel was talking to? Cuz idk who I was gonna make him talk to.

Okay so I did add Husk being more open and not so closed off. and I did sorta make Husk and Angel friends, cuz it's a cute concept. 

btw, please if you have something to say about my fanfic or put in a suggestion then please message me on my Instagram (@that._.idixt) On my Insta I will eventually put some drawings I made for my fanfic. 

this is my longest chapter so far in this ff.

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