1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shots now I'm drunk.

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(it's going to take place a few weeks after the last chapter) 

{Cherri's POV}

Me and Angel met up at the same place we always did. the same bar, Same problem. 

This time he didn't really feel upset, he was just sorta neutral. He was losing his interest in all this. 

He sat and said "What if I told you I don't want to be at the hotel anymore?" 

 "I would be surprised! You've been there for a good while , besides if everything worked out and you went to heaven I was gonna go so I could continue hanging out with you!" 

Angel forced a smile. 

 "You know what might make you feel better?!" 

 " hm? " he said with a blank face. 

 I slide him a cup of Rum. "Here!"

 he looks at it for a minute. "Oh, uh.. I'm not supposed to drink." 

" What's one little drink going to do? " 

 he looked at me for a minute. 

"Nothing I guess," he looks down "But just to be on the safe side, one must gonna take a few shots" 

"that's fine, as long as it lightens you up a little" 

(Take a shot everytime Angel does)

He took a shot of rum. 

 "Wow, I forgot how strong it was" he gagged a little his eyes squinted. 

 "Its not that bad," I took a drink of my drink " it could be worse. 

He takes another shot. he squints then coughs a little. 

He takes 2 more shots. 

 "Wow," he coughs, "that's really strong" 

he takes another shot. then another, and another. Then it gets to a point where he drinks a whole cup of Rum. 

he's drunk by now. He starts laughing uncontrollably. 

he points me "You!" he laughs "You,... look like someone I know!" 

" That's cause you do! " 

"OH MY GOD!!! I DO?!" he looked so happy. but I feel bad for intoxicating him to make him happy. 

But he was so down. I had to. 


he laughed. "wait wait wait!! shhhhhhhhh!!" 

"What? why do I have to be quite?" 

"I don't know, there's just so many people here!" then he looked at his lap and screamed "I HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE HOTEL!!!" then he jumped up


" I have to go!!! " he laughs. he starts to walk but I grab his arm.

 "Angel your drunk. you can't go back right now!" 

 " awww, " he hung his head "wait im drunk?!" 

 " yes.. " 

 "noooooooo That.. that one girls gonna hate me!!" 


 " that one hoe, the hoe with blond hair" he grabs his hair "and the red cheeks" he drew air circles on his face. "Lucifer's daughter" 

 " Oh!! you mean Charlie. " 

 "I guess" he hicupped. 

 "well guess we'll have to hang around until your sober again." 

" aww " 

we hung around with Sir pentious, and I told him it's just for right now. and I won't bomb him tomorrow. so he let us until the next morning when Angel will hopefully be hung over. 

But while he was here he started talking to snakey ass. 

 "You look like someone I'd fuck." and he squinted and then Sir.P told him to fuck off, 

                                     -(in the morning)-

"Lord.  I hate hang overs. " Angel said as he stood up. 

"I bet you would it's just a big headache." I said laughing. 

"He's finally hungover?" Snake ass yelled. 

" Yea! " I yelled back 

"Holy Hell , thank you!! " he said sighing 

"Ahh.. shut up, please." 

 "Oh by the way you were really drunk last night and you kept trying fuck Sir.P" 

Angel started laughing, "I guess being drunk brought back old drunk habits!" 

then we brought him back to the hotel. 

as soon as he opened the door I could hear everyone running at him and I heard some of them yelling. 

that's when I peeked in, and one guy stood out to me. 

He was wearing a smile and a expression that said "I don't give two shits if you left forever" and instantly I knew it was Alastor, Angel's crush. 

I wanted to attack attack him, he made Angel upset. and he never really let's things get to him, so this was major.

I had to leave at this point, it would look weird if I stayed. that's when I heard someone start crying. 

 but I had to leave, this was none of my business. 

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