love sickness pains

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{Husk's POV} 

Angel was in the call but I could only hear half of it. He looked worried, he was pacing and he had a finger in the ear that didn't have a phone pressed to it. His other arms are crossed. 

(this part is Angel's conversation with Cherri, so it's going to look like 2 people are talking but really Cherri is talking in between those 


"Oh, what'dya think then? "  

 "Oh! well" 

he stops pacing and looks at me. Then quickly looks away. 

"Okay, but are you certain you know" 

" Okay tell me who. " 

"Ahh! shhhhhhh!! Shut up!!" 

Niffty walked passed him and then rolled her eye. Angel must caught this cuz then he turned a pinkish red. then he said this: 

 "Uhh-I'll have to call you back Cher." 

 then he put the phone down and walked towards me. 

 "You're a dork" I laughed. 

 "I guess" he said laughing back.


 " So what husk? " 

 "What was that all about?" 

 " why do you care all the sudden" he said getting a smug look on his face. 

"Just cuz, does it have something to do with where you were yesterday" as soon as I said that his face slowly went from smug to frowning.

" Uh, well. Yea.... But it doesn't matter. " he smiled "it wasn't a big deal." 

 I laughed nervously, and he smiled back awkwardly.

I was just about to ask him to tell me what was going on before: 

"OH HOLY HELL!!! ANGEL THERE YOU ARE!" Charlie screamed and her and Alastor ran up to him, well Charlie ran Alastor just kinda slowly walked. 

"Ah yes, there he is" then he rolled his eyes. 

"I don't need your fucking sarcasm. if you hate me, you don't need to pretend like you care. Especially if it's just for someone who has no interest in you at the moment..." Angel said looking away from Alastor but looking at me with a slight pain.  Charlie went to hug him.

"...If you really don't want me here, I'll just sit in my room for the rest of my time here." he said with pain in his eye, but then he hugged Charlie back and patted her on the head. "Just don't act like you care, just at one point I just wish we could be on good terms we don't have to be friend know I'm on someone's bad side, or that we just hate each other" 

 Alastor rolled his eyes again. 

Angel sighed I knew what he was thinking. "why do I bother" 

 Charlie let go, and then she looked at me "Husk, if you knew we were looking for him. and you were just in a conversation with him where you both we laughing.., why didn't you get us"

 "You" me and Angel said at the same time, well Angel whispered. 

"Exsuse me?" 

" You, you were looking for him. I'm sorry but Alastor clearly doesn't care for Angel's well being. And with Angel's permission I wish to tell you something. Charlie, and just Charlie. " as I said that I looked at the three of them. Angel looked sorta sad and was looking away, and Charlie looked like she wanted to help but didn't know how.

Alastor looked stunned, absolutely stunned. but still stupidly smiling that dumb smile. "Well then. Excellent observation Husk!" then he walked away . 

I asked Angel if I could tell Charlie what was going on but he said no. 

 "let her figure it out on her own" 


{Angel's POV} 

It's was I guess you could say dinner time, we were all sitting at a table. Husk and Vaggie were the only ones in this damn place who know what was really going on so they sat next to me. Vaggie had her hand on my shoulder and husk had his hand on my head. 

"What the hell is this?! some sort of bible study?!" Alastor said. "I mean you have your hands on Angel likes he's some sorta guy in church! Jesus Christ." 


 Alastor looked stunned. 

that's when he stood up and said "you're right, I don't care but that doesn't mean I can't say what comes to mind!" 

I don't know what was happening after that. all I know is that Charlie hugged her knees, and Vaggie and Alastor started yelling at each other. 

I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and screamed "JUST FORGET ABOUT IT!!!" 

 I walked off, I didn't care if they were staring at me or if they didn't care. I just don't want them to be fighting because of my annoying self. 

I go find a phone and call Cherri "Hey Cherri, I said I was gonna call you back!!"  

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