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{Alastor's POV} 

I knocked on Angel's door again, I heard him sigh. then he said to hold on. 

I heard him get up and walk across the room. (So I heard Angel doesn't like his feet so Imma make him to and put his boots back on) then I heard him go sit back on his bed. 

 "Alright, you can come in" he said sounding pissed. 

I opened the door and say him lying on his bed with his eyes closed and his arms on his stomach, all but one. That hand had a cigarette in it. He started blowing the smoke. 

I sat next to him, he opened his eyes and said "Oh so you were actually going to come in?" 

 " Well, Yes. I'm not going to talk through the door, it's weird and the others would hear. " I said 

He puffed the cigarette again, then he sat up. He put his bottom arms on his lap where the end of his dress was. I knew what he was going because he also digging his nails into the skin between his fingers (I looked it up and it's actually called "interdigital folds" and Al's a smart guy, so I wanted to put that. but when I looked it up it was just a bunch of pictures of scabs/cuts so I didn't want to put that and it be wrong so yea) He was nervous, and scared still. 

I wanted to give him a proper apology, so that's why I'm here but he seemed really scared. I stood up and said "Angel I'm not going to do anything to you. I promise this time" 

He blew the smoke towards me, then said "Actually promise...?" 

"Yes!" I said as he put the cigarette back in his mouth. 

He blew the smoke away from my face this time, then asked "Like pinky promise kinda apology?"

 " Err- yes" I said 

he put his pinky out, then said "Then pinky promise"

 I grabbed his pinky with mine, then said "pinky promise" I guess I made a weird face because he looked like he wanted to shove me out of the window. We shook on it.......with our pinky fingers.

 "Angel.. that night, when that happened, I felt really bad after doing that." 

 "Then why'd you do it..? " 

 "When you were gone I never noticed how much I liked you, but I couldn't just say it. I was a coward, and it sounds selfish at this point but when you were drunk I knew you wouldn't really remember any of that night..." I trailed off. 

He looked at me he puffed his cigarette, then blew it towards the ground then looked at me with this cute look, such a cute look. He put out his cigarette then there the butt of the cigarette into a bag of other ends of cigarettes. 

 "Well, Then you went and hid for a few hours and I thought you were running off to go do whatever you do when you aren't here. Then you came back and I started flirting with you, and you started to act timid... You then hid behind Husk, so I thought the only option was to make you trust me...So I told you I wasn't going to do anything. Because I wasn't, then you grabbed my hand I felt my liking for you growing and I wasn't thinking straight when I forced hugged you...." I look away from him

" Oh.. "

"...Or when I forced kissed you, I felt you crying so I was letting go.. Then you pushed me." 

 "Oh wow" 


 "Want to hear something that will make you hate me?" 

 "Uhhhh, depends" 

 " Well, you didnt have to run half of what happened that night to me.... " he looked away pulled out a cigarette from his desk and a lighter. then he lit the cigarette. "Because i was hungover when I came back after an hour" 


"Well, I wanted to see what would happen!!!" he said then blew the smoke towards the ceiling. He looked guilty, I couldn't be mad at him I forced him into kissing me and he pretended to be drunk. 

We apologized to each other, then I left. 

{Angel's POV}

Even though it was a proper apology, I couldn't trust him anymore. He still took advantage of me, but I lied to him.. 

We were both in the wrong now, even though he apologized I still ignored him. I couldn't look at him, I loved him and he loved Charlie but Charlie loved Vaggie and Vaggie loved her. 

I don't know anymore, should I forgive him? He explained everything but then again this is hell he could have been lying Should I trust him?? I don't know. 

I was stuck in the middle so I sat in my room and smoked for a good while.  


Soooooooooo..... this is a little longer, But it gave me a headache. 

I was writing about 300 words in and then the page reloaded so I lost every word the chapter picture and the Title!!! ;-; 

Then I remembered I sent a copy to my friend, so.. shout out to my middle school bestie who asked for the chapter early. she's an ass sometimes but today she came in handy.

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