PSA because im angry

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How many times do I have to tell people that you as readers don't get to dictate what I write. Especially minuscule things like side characters or ships or whatever. IT IS NOT A CRITIQUE IF YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT MY CHOICE IN HOW I DECIDE TO WRITE THE PLOT. That is not fair criticism, it's complaining that something didn't go your way. Just MOVE ALONG. Clearly my writing isn't for you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it takes longer to comment than to move along and find another fic (or write your own). So STOP TELLING ME HOW TO WRITE MY OWN STORIES!! I'm tired of it. Let me breathe. I stand by my stories. I do not take time out of my day to write and plan these fics for literally nothing just for people to complain and criticize my choices.

I don't care if you ship dojae and not jaeyong or xiaoyang and not xiaodery. I don't care if part of the plot didn't resolve in the way you personally wanted it to. I don't care if there was a cliffhanger. I don't care if [insert name] didn't fucking die or if [insert name] DID die. I don't care if you don't like Renjun mixed in with your ships or Etc. If you can't accept something that unimportant and irrelevant then PLEASE find something that suits your taste better. Just STOP acting like I'm supposed to write a certain way and appease everyone. I can't and I won't. I believe my stories are good enough as they are and although I can work harder on more complex things with my development of my stories, I truly believe in my work for the current state they're in. I love them just the way they are.

I got heavily and unnecessarily criticized a while back for ending one of my most personal fics (that I based on stuff I was going through at the time) with a ship that didn't sail, and it caused me to have to remove it. I've been around this block before and Im less accepting of it now. Stop acting like you getting what you want out of my stories is what defines it being good or not. That is incredibly negligent of the hard work I've put in and 9 times out of 10, you're most likely missing/dismissing important plot details in relation to that specific choice I made.

If I sound like a jerk, then I'm sorry, but people need to stop getting so brave and acting entitled. Especially when it's over REALLY petty details you don't personally like or understand. The lack of respect is infuriating at this point.

Hopefully people start getting the message.

I'll see you guys in the next update.

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