How you meet (Enchanted Forest or Storybrooke)

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In the Enchanted Forest
It was just another day in your village and you didn't expect it to be any different. That was until the Queen decided to make an appearance. As always she was dressed in her tight dresses, making her look very attractive despite your hatred for her. All her guards lined everyone in the village. You stood with your mother and siblings. Being the oldest you put an arm around them, in a way of protecting them.
"Now, I've heard one of you have been taking care of Snow White! And as a punishment...I'm going to take one of the children" she announced. Adults yelled and children cried until you stood forward. Shocking your family, friends and the queen herself.
"I will go with you" you announced, earning a shriek from your mother and a smirk from the queen. The guards grabbed your arms and dragged you the the carriage and Regina followed.

In Storybrooke (during the curse)
You worked the school with Mary Margaret as a teacher assistant. You met Emma when she came in one day when you assumed Henry was sick.
"Miss Y/L/N do you know where Henry is?" The mayor asked as you got paint supplies out of the supply closet.
"No, I'm sorry. We all assumed he was off sick" you explained and the mayor groaned.

After a while she left and knocked over a stack of books. You, Mary Margaret and Emma picked them up. After you finished Mary Margaret left to another classroom leaving you and Emma alone.
"Umm hi I'm Emma" she said. You smiled at her.
"I'm Y/N, I'm assuming you're Henry's birth mother". She nodded her head and a beautiful friendship began.

In the Enchanted Forest
Walking through the forest in the middle was dangerous. Especially for a princess like yourself. You'd been doing it for awhile but tonight would surely be your last. A bandit stole one of your rings so you chased them. They were clearly new to the forest because they fell into an ogre trap. The bandit let out a groan and looked for ways to climb out of it.
"Give me back my ring!" You ordered and the bandit looked up at you. It was Snow White,
"Snow? Princess Snow?" You asked in disbelief and she nodded.
"I'm sorry about your ring but the queen is looking for me. I need your help" she nearly begged and you nodded, helping her out of the hole.

In the Enchanted Forest
Killian was in your village since his ship docked for supplies. You're family owned the tavern so Killian became a regular in that week. You learned his name and his nickname Captain Hook but not why he got the hook. One night you decided to go over and ask him. Maybe it was a bit cocky but you didn't care.
"Where'd you get the hook?" You bluntly ask and his expression changes from a smirk to curiosity. He began to smirk again after a while.
"Let's have a drink then I'll tell you".

In Storybrooke
You paced to your science class, you couldn't be late on your first day. You barely made it to your class on time and the teacher had a seating arrangement. You were sat next to a boy called Henry. As the class progressed you got along well and since you two were now lab partners he invited you to his house to study.
"I mean you don't have to but" he started talking (or mumbling) until you cut him off.
"Sounds great. We can go right after school" you suggested and he nodded.

In Storybrooke (during the curse)
You decided to walk your dog Lady earlier than usual. It was a sunny day and apparently it was going to rain later, so why not?
Somehow you stumbled into the woods and decided it was would be ok to take her off her leash. She ran around for awhile and you were able to see her. Until she ran to far ahead.
You called her name for what felt like hours until a man walked over to you carrying Lady.
"Is this your dog?" He asked as he got closer. You nodded and took Lady out of his arms.
"Thank you so much. I thought I lost her" you admitted, breathing in a sigh of relief.
"Its nothing really. I'm Jefferson" he said as he held out his hand.
"Y/N and it is something" you said as you shook his hand. For a second you could have sworn you felt a spark of electricity...

In the Enchanted Forest
Your mother was friends with Ruth but you didn't properly meet David until after his father died. Your mother went to comfort Ruth and she asked if you could play with David, I'm a way to cheer him up.
You both got along really well. He was a kind and sweet kid, you became best friends very quickly and both of your mothers knew something more was there

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