Who are you?

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Enchanted Forest
You're Hansel and Gretel's aunt. When your sister died you did help your brother in law for a while until you moved to a village with the rest of your family.

You were Regina assistant, she wanted to keep you close by.

Enchanted Forest
You were a fairy, but you had your wings taken from you after becoming big to many times.

You were a teaching assistant and to be honest, you loved it. Reginas curse was meant to make you unhappy but you loved your job.

Enchanted Forest
You were a princess but you weren't snobby or anything. When Snow needed help fighting the Evil Queen you sent your army to storm her castle. It didn't work.

You were a waitress at Grannys, and another twist to the story: you hated Mary Margaret. Due to your cursed memories you remembered Mary Margaret stealing your high school boyfriend.

Enchanted Forest
You were a bartender at a tavern. You weren't all that special but you did know Robin Hood.

You were a doctor who worked with Whale. Perfect curse for you, you hated blood. It scared the crap out of you.

Enchanted Forest
You were Auroras little sister. You were visiting Cinderella (despite the fact you were 10) when Reginas curse hit, that's how you ended up in Storybrooke.

You were just a child so you didn't have a job. But Granny and Ruby were like family to you.

Enchanted Forest
You were known as Darling Dear, Lady (as in Lady and the Tramps) owner. Although Darling wasn't your name it is what your husband called you before he passed away

You were a dog walker. Not much of a curse, except the curse made you allergic to them (thanks Regina).

Enchanted Forest
You were a farmer, and his best friend. There isn't much to say about your life, once in a while you would meet with the Mad Hatter to exchange mushrooms.

You were a vet at the animal shelter. He worked with you once he came out of the coma.

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