You tell him

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After getting the test results you ran home, you knew he was at work so that gave you time to prepare. Deep down you knew he'd be thrilled but there was that doubt since you never talked about it and you weren't sure if he even wanted kids. Pirates never really had kids they knew about, to be honest you knew fully well Killian probably has over ten kids somewhere that he has no idea about.

When he got home from work the first thing he noticed was that you were on edge. Normally you'd either be binge watching something on Netflix or cooking, today you were standing in the middle of the kitchen. And shaking.
"You alright love?" He asks, making his presence known. He puts his hand on your arm in an attempt to calm you, it fortunately works.
"No I'm pregnant" you blurt out, not really thinking of the best way to say it is earlier.

It took him a minute to process what you said, which only made your fear of him being mad grow. You were about to cry until a huge grin formed on his face, within a matter of seconds you were wrapped in his arms in a warm embrace.
"I'm going to be a dad?" He asks, you smile and nod. Him being happy made you more ready to have this baby, knowing he'd be there with you the whole time.

Regina sat you down in your living room. Encouraging you to tell Henry since he is the father. It's not that you weren't going to tell him, you knew he was going to be happy since he had mentioned the fact that he has always wanted kids. You just didn't think it would happen so quick.

Regina left after an hour so you decided to at least try and get creative with how you were going to tell him. You could put the test in a box, but you'd peed on it and that would be a little gross. Maybe you could get the doctor to tell him, but it had to be from you. In the end you decided just to tell him verbally since it would be more heartfelt in your opinion.

He came a little later then you expected, he had spent the day with David trying to build a shed for him and Snow. He told you all about it, how David got a little impatient with a hammer and how he nearly gave up.
"So how was your day?" He asked as he went to the fridge to get something to drink. You tell him everything up until when Regina took you to the doctors. He listened carefully and then you mentioned going to the doctor.

"So he did a test and...I'm pregnant" you announce causing him to spit out the drink he was about to swallow. You immediately cringed at that sight since it was a tiny bit gross. He looks up at you, looking like a child at Christmas, he engulfed you into a hug and lifted you off your feet. Yeah, he was thrilled to say the least.

He was waiting outside of the bathroom for you to come out and tell him the results, like he did every month. Just incase it was good news, like this month. Grace was at a sleepover so it was just you two and the dogs at home, which was good because you wanted to tell him first and Grace would tell the whole town when she found out.

The fact that you walked out of the bathroom with a smile, not a frown, told him that this month was the month.
"A-are you?" He stuttered, hoping he was right. You smiled brighter and nodded.
"Yeah. We're pregnant" you announce in a soft voice. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he lifted you off the ground and pulled you in for an embrace.

"We're having a baby?" He asks almost in disbelief. You laugh a little and nod, your chin resting on his shoulder.
"Yeah we are"

Regina called him while you were crying, she wanted him to be the one comforting not her. Not that she didn't care but she knew he should be the one comforting you. When he came home she told him everything. The test results, the reason why you were crying, your fears. Everything.

Regina left and he went straight over to cuddle you. You cried into his chest and he comforted you for hours. When you calmed down you looked up at him, probably feeling more guilty then ever.
"I promise you Y/N. No harm will ever come to you or the child. I swear on my life I'll protect" he said, meaning every word.

Suddenly all the worries were gone. You knew he would be there and that your child would never be hurt. You started to wonder why you were scared in the first place. You spent the rest on the night in his arms, barely moving.

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