Tv series you binge

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Stranger Things. She loves the supernatural element of it but finds it weird to watch kids on tv. She secretly ships Jopper but won't admit it to a soul. She did scare you one time by saying she might make a monster like the demogorgen. She was just hoped.

Agent Carter. She liked seeing a badass woman on tv. You both watch Marvel movies so this was inevitable to watch since you both loved Peggy in Captain America. She also has a crush of Hayley Atwell. She loves you more though.

Full House. She loves family tv and Full House is all about the importance of family. Her favourite character is Danny because he's such a good father and he reminds her of her father from when we was alive.

Friends. It took you AGES  to convince him to watch it and once he started he couldn't stop. He always laughs at the jokes and definitely thinks Joey is the best friend. (And you thought he'd watch something serious).

The Big Bang Theory. He got you into it but you both related to the nerdy references and both of you liked science. He also thought you two were like Leonard and Penny since he thought you were to beautiful to be with him.

The End Of The F***ing World. Oh my god you did not expect him to like this show but he strangely does. He thinks the jokes are funny but once in a while does mention that he could be more of a psychopath then Tom. You always cuddle him when he says that.

How I Met Your Mother. He thinks you two are just like Lily and Marshall, but he think you're cuter. He plans on telling your kids how he met you one day and he plans to tell it in every single detail like Ted.

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