Do they cheat

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No. Hell no. She loves you WAAAY to much to even think about it. Even before you were officially dating she didn't even want to talk to anyone else out of respect for you.

Yes... sorry. When she went to Neverland she asked you to stay behind and look after Storybrooke. You ultimately refused and sneaked to Neverland without her knowing, you hid from the group and decided to look for Henry alone.

After hearing David nearly died you revealed yourself to the group. They were shocked but you noticed Emma and Hook weren't around. You walked around to find them and when you did they were kissing.

No. She's way too loyal to even think about it and you don't question her. If she thinks she's falling in love with someone she still won't cheat.

Yes but he was drunk. He was at your tavern and ended up kissing some whore. You didn't talk to him for weeks!

Depends on what you think is cheating. Snow made him be apart of the school play and he had to kiss Gretel in the play. You weren't angry because it was acting and he hated every second of it.

NO. No no no. You're his soulmate! He won't ever love anyone like you! Well except Grace and any kids you two have but that's beside the point. He mentally planned your wedding on your first date, he's not going to hurt you. EVER

Sadly yes. He fell in love with Snow and they got married...he kind of forgot you. Yeah, ouch.

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