Disney movies

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The only movie she's ever refused to watch it Snow White and the seven dwarves. But eventually she came around, mainly because Amber wanted to watch it. She HATED it. She likes herself in the movie, except here adorable and her love for herself, but she finds it really boring. They missed out so much information for her character, she lets the kids watch it but she won't.  Her favourite is Pocohontas since she wasn't a fairy tale character.

She loves Disney movies, she grew up with them pretty much. Every movie night you try to watch at least one Disney movie. Her favourite right now is Frozen 2, because for one: she knows Elsa would like it and two: it portrays the characters perfectly. She also claims she's Samantha.?

You watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarves once and she won't watch it again. She says she doesn't need to watch it again. But that won't stop her putting Jungle Book at any chance she gets. For some reason, she really likes it, neither of you can explain why. She loves both the live action and original (secretly prefers the live action)

NEVER WATCH PETER PAN WITH HIM UNLESS YOU WANT A HOOK TO SMASH INTO YOUR TV. He hates the Peter Pan movie with a burning passion, he hates how they made him look unattractive and made a point about being devilishly handsome throughout the whole thing. He does love Princess and the Frog though, he won't openly admit it though.

He doesn't really like the Disney movies since nearly everyone in them is related to him. You only watch it when Harry wants to which is really rare since he prefers stuff like Paw Patrol. Henry does like Beauty and the Beast though, he thinks it's cute.

Only watches them when the kids want. He thinks the Alice in Wonderland movie is weird, he won't watch it. He wasn't thrilled he was older in it. Non surprisingly, his favourite is Lady and the Tramp since it's about your dog, you don't have any feelings towards it but he just loves it.

Disney obsessed freak. Has merch and everything. But really, are you shocked? Has seen every movie and refuses to pick a favourite. It's not Snow White though, to be honest you have a suspicion that it's Moana since he watches that the most and sings along to 'You're Welcome'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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