Ch. 5

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Din wraps his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Hungry?" you ask, continuing to stir dinner on the stovetop.

"Famished," he rests his chin on your shoulder, "Want any help?"

You look at him, "Din, I love you...but you can't cook darling."

"That was one time (y/n)."

"You almost burnt down the house, darling."


You had been outside getting water when Din had run out of the house, Kou in his arms.

"What's wrong?'' You glanced over his shoulder to see black smoke billowing out the front door.

"Just hand me the water," he quickly traded Kou for the bucket of water you held. Rushing back into the house, he had dumped bucket's contents onto the fire, successfully putting it out while also ruining dinner.

"What happened?" You yelled, a few feet from the front door. You almost follow him inside when he doesn't reply after a few seconds. He stumbles back outside, gasping for air. "Are you alright?"

Din sits down on the ground. A coughing fit later, he glances up at you, "I think dinner is ruined."

"I don't care about dinner," You kneel by him, pushing back the pieces of hair on his forehead, "Are you okay?"

He glances up at you, mouth agape slightly, "I've been better."


He sighs, "But everyone was okay so--"

You giggle, "I think it's safer if you stick to doing the dishes."

"I can--chop up the vegetables or something that doesn't involve the stove."

You smile, "Maybe next time. Can you get Kou so we can eat?"


You place Kou's food in front of him. Immediately he tries to reach for the food which you know will end in a disaster of food spilled on the floor. Din moves the plate closer to himself, picking up the fork. Kou babbles, grabbing for Din's hand as he attempts to feed him a forkful.

"C'mon Kou." Kou continues to push away Din's hand. After a few attempts, Din sets down the fork turning towards you, "He won't eat."

You laugh, "Let me try." You sit down on Din's knee, leaning over to pick up the fork, "Kou, will you eat for mommy?" He coos up at you, letting you feed him a bite.

"Wow," Din laughs, "Of course." He wraps an arm around your waist as you feed Kou another bite.

"Kou just wanted my attention," you tease as Kou's little fingers wrap around the spoon's handle as he lets you feed him another bite. Din pulls you closer to his chest, seating you fully on his lap. You laugh, "Din, I need to feed him. You're pulling me away." Kou begins to reach for your hand, as he babbles.

Din leans his chin on your shoulder, "I want your attention too."

Rolling your eyes fondly, you say, "You have my attention."

"I want all your attention." Din pulls you closer, lips grazing across your neck.

You shiver, "You're distracting me, Din Djarin."

You feel his smile pressed against your neck, "Good."

"Eat your food before it gets cold."

"I'll eat after he's done."

Sighing you say, "Can you at least move the chair closer to him."

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