Ch. 18

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Just like you had wanted, your baby came out looking a lot like Din. Same soft, brown hair on his small head, and the same dimple on his little cheek. You run your finger down the side of his little face, holding him close to your chest. He's only a few days old, but you swear you can't remember a day without him. You stand by the window, holding the baby and watching Din and Kou outside.
Kou runs around after his ball, picking it up and tossing it up to Din. Kou squeals when Din picks him up, throwing him high into the air and catching him close to his chest. Smiling to yourself, you rock the baby, glancing down at his cute little face.
Your dream from months ago feels more like a vision than a dream now that you're holding your eldest son. You had thought it was a sign that this dream was more of a vision when Jak had been born. He even looked like a smaller version of the boy from your dream. You had insisted on naming him Jak, like your dream son, and Din had happily agreed. He didn't put up a fight over naming your son. He was just happy to see both you and the baby were healthy.
Din walks in with Kou giggling in his arms. He kisses your cheek, setting Kou on the ground. Kou runs into his room, probably looking for one of his toys.
"Wanna hold him?" you ask Din. He had been so gentle and hesitant with Jak these past few days.
"He's just so small, I don't want to hurt him." Din had said when you asked him if he wanted to hold the baby for the first time.
"You won't hurt him, Din." you had insisted, "it's like holding Kou when he's sleeping. You do that a lot. C'mon, hold your son." Finally, you got the baby in Din's arms. It had been awkward at first, until you adjusted the baby and Din's arms.
"He's so small, (y/n)..." You had thought Din looked adorable holding Jak. His hair was still disheveled from staying by your side during Jak's long, sleepless birth. He looked so tired yet he never complained once, only being supportive and encouraging the entire time. He was amazing when you needed him.
"He's perfect," you lean forward to gaze at the small baby.
Handing Jak to Din, you say, "I'm going to feed Kou."
"I can do that."
"Thank you darling," you kiss him on the cheek, "but I got this."
You walk into Kou's room, finding him at the foot of his bed playing with his blocks.
"Hello baby," you sit down on his bed. Kou babbles up at you, holding one of the blocks in his chubby hand. "Let's get you some dinner."
Kou messily picks up his food in his little fists at the table as Din rocks the baby in the living room. You hear him humming something to Jak as he moves around.
This whole life you've built is beautiful. Who would've known this was possible. Kou grabs at your hand. He looks up at you with his big eyes. All of this happened because of this little guy coming into Din's life.
"You happy, little guy?" You stroke his cheek. He chatters back happily.

Well that's the end :) I hope you enjoyed! If there is an interest, I'd love to write a sequel with the rest of the children (For those who guessed; It was a vision!). Thank you so much for the support! x

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