Ch. 15

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"Mom!" You turn towards the direction the voice comes from and see a little boy running towards you. He's followed by a younger boy and girl. They all have the same unruly dark hair. They hug at your legs and waist, talking all at once. At this close proximity, you notice the same dimple Din has on each of their little faces. Speak of the devil, your husband walks through the thick forest holding Kou in his arms.

"Din?" You call him, still confused by the children still babbling to you about one thing or another.

"Yes, cyar' ika?" He approaches you, careful not to squish the kids around you as he presses a kiss to your lips.

The three below make fake gagging noises, squealing "Ewww" in unison. Kou attempts to imitate the sound, giggling with the other children.

"Calm down, you four," he chuckles at their disgusted faces, "And be careful of Mama's tummy." You glance down, having completely missed the swell of your stomach before that.

Mama? We're these kids— no, that's not possible! These children couldn't possibly be yours and Dins? What was happening!

"Go get ready for dinner, tiny womp rats," he affectionately taps at the little girl's nose, "and take Kou with you. I want to speak to your mother quickly." He hands the eldest Kou before they run off towards your home. You watch them run, whooping and hollering.

"Is something wrong?" Din tilts your chin up to get your attention.

What do I say?

"I'm fine. Just tired."

He smiles down at you, placing a hand on your stomach, "let's get you home. I'll make dinner tonight. We can put the kids to bed, and I'll rub your feet."

The instep of your feet suddenly aches at the thought of a foot rub. That sounds like an excellent plan.

You nod, letting Din lead you towards home. The house looks slightly... broader than you remembered when it comes into view.

What in the world is happening?

The kids all sit around a table, much larger than the one Din had built when you walk through the door. Din tells you to sit down and relax as he prepares dinner.

"Sit by me, mommy," the little girl begs. You smile down at her. She has your eyes.

"No fair, Mari! Mommy sat by you yesterday! It's my turn." The younger boy says.

Mari... you wonder where you had thought of that. Maybe Din had chosen her name?

They're all very loud. Kou babbles with the older boy, Jak, who talks back to him, while the two younger children continue to argue.

"Knock it off, Noa, Mari." Din gives them a stern look.

"I'll sit between you two." You offer, smiling down at them. They agree, looking towards their father. He nods, going back to cooking. You finally rest your very sore ankles, and your children continue to chatter on about their day.

Mari tells you about how she, Jak, Kou, Noa, and Din went fishing in the little pond nearby.

"Kou almost fell in, but daddy saved him," Mari explains.

You nod along with her story, glancing up at Din, who occasionally smiles at you as he prepares your meal.

"And then we went through the field!" Jak interrupts excitedly.

The field? What field? They can't mean the tiny garden. You want to ask, but what if they realize you don't know this life as they think you do!

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