Prolouge: Crash into my backyard...

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Wheeljack, the well known and loved wrecker, nearly crashes into a mountain side with his ship on Earth. He hasn't been to Earth since the fall of the Decepticon. When he lands somewhat safely he finds himself near a town up over a large pine forest. No one in sight till he spots a house far on a cliff ledge. Unaware of that a two humans who live there.

Not all as it seems untill he drives to the house learning the harsh truth of the two people living in that house....
(Wheeljack's POV)

What in the Primes?

I pulled up over at a hill seeing an large house and a girl running from it. A man kept on shooting a gun until she disappeared into the trees. I backed away not wanting to be spotted and followed the girl in the shadows.

(????'s POV)
I felt the wind at me first forcing me to run faster...what did he do to me?

I held my 'arm' before I heard no more gun shots. I kept running till I made it to the clearing.

"Gosh dang it!"I snapped feeling the pain in my shoulder increase before I stop to lean against a tree,"What did he do to me? Why can't I feel my arm?".

I moved my one hands and felt a cold feeling from my hands build into my shoulder. I look down seeing a silver color arm.

No. No. NO! NO! NO?!

I moved as if I could set away till I fall backwards holding my shoulder.

My doesn't like this at all...

I sit still hearing to my heart pound in my head as my eyes close for a second to breath.

Mark, or my 'father', is a scientist who found a dead robot on the backwoods. After he found it he never comes to these woods. So I come here to escape...



A sound of an car engine driving in the woods.

I snapped my head up into the direction before I see headlights in the darkness.

I quickly get up kicking the dirt from under my feet and running away from the spot and heading to the lower bank of the river to get to the cave. That the only true place I will be safe.

I seen the headlights shine over to my left so I pick up my speed jumping over logs and rocks. The grass grew taller as I head for the plains. The car itself jump up and drove not far from me.

A dark purple car raced besides me and nearly drove near me as if it was meant to kill me-!...


I jump over an rock and made a quick turn down a narrow rocky path heading into a open cliff sides. I kept running besides the rocks only to be stop.

"No! Why does it have go be a dead end!"I said as I heard some kind of sound of shifting metal almost. I big thud shook the ground. I look over my shoulder to see a giant robot walking up.

The one bot arm changed into some kind of gun while pointing at me," You have armor from my brother, I am going to make you pay for this you stupid fleshling?!"the bot snapped and swing his arm sending me to the other wall almost near the river going into a cavern.

I felt my new arm take in the hit before I hit my face getting a nasty cut from it. My glasses are cracked and I lean onto the rock accepting my fate.

"Don't you know it sort of rude to pick one a femme?"a voice said before I watch another bot hitting the ground with a small thing of dirt flying backwards.

Wheeljack's little angelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora