Chapter 8: Finding the missing part.1

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Few hours later...
(Wheeljack's POV)
I sit quietly watching the surround in case of danger. Cass is sound asleep on my chassic.

I should of listen to her and now look where i made us end up here.

"Don't go beating yourself up for this. This was an accident,Wheelie."Cass said tired and I looked at her. Part of her eye is black from hitting it on the wall in my ship I guess.

I wonder where my ship it...but, that doesn't matter now.

"Cass, I am going to have to climb up to get us out of here. Alright."I said and she now.

I slowly get up and set her in my subspace. I look around and found where the water falls into the large lake surround us.

I quickly jump from one sand pit to another until I made it to one right at that one area next to a wall.

You okay in there kid?

"I'm fine."

She said back while I know how she feels. Cass is tired and she was limping. I need to get her out of here.

I quickly jump up as high as I could go and start climbing up the wall. For all i know my ship maybe down under the water. Or somewhere thanks to the flooding.

I made it to a flat part and I happily sit for a second.


Yeah, kid?

"What happen to your ship?"

That doesn't matter now. I need to get you out of here into Ratchet's servos so he can care for those wounds of yours.

"B-but your ship. Don't you need the stuff inside it? All your work?"

Your safety is most important here.

After that she quieted down. I smirk and decided to go back to climbing up the walls.

Hopefully meeting friendly odds up above.

(Miko's POV)
I was on Bulkhead's shoulder plate looking around seeing no trace of those two anywhere.

"Bulk, we should try the fields. He would of had to land the Jackhammer there right?"I asked.

"I guess, but this island is known for flooding. Especially during this season. You stay on my shoulder. Do you understand!"he said as I nod.

Ultra Mangus comes up and sighs,"They aren't in this area. Or the mountain. Team Primes has found any sign of them either."he said. While I look around.

They kept walking and end up chest deep in mud.

I sigh,"Now I am gonna have to give you a bath again!"I said and he chuckled.

"This is no laughing matter, it maybe that the two might be trapped under all this mud here. Or worse in the flooding."Ultra Mangus stated before we all agreed to to deep into the mush of mud.

(Ratchet's POV)
I storm throughout the field looking for any sign or signal from Wheeljack.

Nothing...nothing at all.

Optimus has gone with Arcer to check the mountains while Team Bee came to help by searching the rivers and outlays to different places.

I knew he said he was landing in a field before, but I still see no sign of them.

:Ratchet to Wheeljack, can you read?:I said in a comm. link while no answer for about a solid hour...

I felt unsure of what to do.

It was him and Cass missing.

Could Decepticons have kidnapped them? Could the flooding haves killed them?

Where can they be?

(Optimus's POV)
I came down from the mountains finding nothing. Not one thing of our missing comrade and the human he is watching.

:Wheeljack to Optimus Prime, can you read?:I heard a comm. link open.

:I read you loud and clear. Where are you?:I ordered and he chuckled.

:Well Prime, Cass says we both fell into a sink hole that trapped us underground. We were at the fields while waiting for a storm to pass. The weather turn to the worse. Currently we are trying to get out of an cavern.:he explained as i nod heading to the fields.

:Ratchet, Wheeljack just send me a comm. saying he is underground in a cavern from a sink hole.:I said.

:A sink hole! Alright, is he send Cass okay? Do they have injuries?:Ratchet asked and then I heard a upset grunt from Wheeljack.

:My shoulder is causing me trouble. And Cass leg is bruised and she has a black eye.:he said as Ratchet grumbled.

:You better get your aft up out of that Cavern or I will personally have you stay in a pod for three weeks!:Ratchet snapped as I image what he doing.

After that there was only static sound from his end of the comm.

(Wheeljack's POV)

"Something wrong with the comm?"

Yeah, wait did you hear that whole thing?

"Yes, Optimus and Ratchet were talking to you."

There a lot of things we need to talk about when we get out of here.

"Awe man."

I chuckled walking into another big cave seeing the Jackhammer in the water.

"The Jackhammer?!"

We aren't going to get it. It is deep in the water. And your safety is more important.

"What about your life work?! That is important!"

Not as important as you.


Do you understand. I will come back and get it. Now we need to get to Team Prime or Team Bee. So your wounds are cared for.

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