Chapter 7: SOS..

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(Cass's POV)
It was nearly midnight when out of nowhere the ship started to move. I sit up quickly and looked around.

The engines aren't on.

I panic,"Wheeljack?!"I said and I heard stuff falling over in his room. He came in holding onto the door.

"You feel the ship moving to right?"he asked as I nod.

He went towards the main area of the ship and started to press certain buttons.

I came out sliding over go his leg.
He looked down and sigh,"Everything seems to be jammed. I am going to have to go outside see what wrong."he said trying the hatch. It won't open either.

He grunt upset and I watch in worry.

I look up,"How about that one?"I asked him and he looked at the upper smaller hatch.

"That could work, princess."he said climbing up on a desk before he finally tried to open the hatch.

When he open it he gasp quickly closing it. While he was trying to lock it muddy water poured in. I quickly moved out of the way to climb up his desk while he locked it. He was covered in that water.

"It doesn't look good."he said and made a certain thing of the window to go up showing the whole thing was filled with muddy water at least to the top of the glass.

"Scrap.."he said as I looked over at him.

"Wheeljack, we need to call for help. The water going to keep on rising and we'll get stuck."I said and he shook his helm.

"If we move then the ship is going to be dragged into the water moving around it."he said as I shrug.

"Okay, if you think so-"out of nowhere the ship turned on its side and I quickly hit a wall. I hit my head hard enough that I nearly blacked out.

"KID!"Wheeljack's voice echo in my ears as he jump over and landed right besides me. When he grab me he held onto something that kept on flipping the ship over and over...

"Scrap!"he yelled before going to the the spare bunker and closing the door. He leaned on the metal wall and then press both of his pedes onto the frame work of the berth. Both his servos covered me while I was press against his classic closing my eyes.

"Hang in there kid."he said while the ship moved dramticially in circles while I notice something.

The door of the bunker shut completely and he looked.

"Great..."he said as I narrow my eyes.

"Wheeljack."I said demanding is attention,"Call for help. The ship is now spinning in circles in the water. Plus, the water is risk-"I never got to finished what I was saying because a sudden jerk from the ship made both of us fall into the wall. Then...I black out.

Moments later...

I felt sand on my finger tips as I slowly sit up looking around...??!!?!??!?!?!?!?!

I jump up seeing we were in a cave and I turn around seeing no one.

"Wheeljack?"I called,"WHEELJACK?!?!?".

No answer.

I look around.

A small area of many different sands piles lead to deep water. I look around...?!

I look in the water seeing Wheeljack in it.

I quickly move back and dive in swimming down to him. Everything was cold and floating up. I swim down to reach the bottom seeing him just laying there. I move closer to him and move his servo.

He didn't move.

I move closer to his helm and I move his helm seeing two optics open. He gasp and looked at me shock. I pointed up towards the top of the water while nearly losing my breath. He gets up quickly and moves to the surface. He usher me to the top and I can finally breath.

Wheeljack climb up into the biggest sand pit while I limp up to him. I fell over from my now bruised leg and black eye. I fell into the sand grains and try to catch my breath.

"Cass, do you remember what happened?"he asked looking at me. I lift my head and try to sit up.

"We must of fell into a si-sink hole."I shivered from the surrounding cold. He got up and moved closer to me. Gentle lifting me up and allow me to rest on his chassis where his spark was. He covered me with one of his servos and sigh.

"I always get myself into situations like this..."he mumble and I chuckled.

I sneeze now accepting I have a cold. The warmth in his chassic is making me feel better knowing I am not alone down here.

"I'm gonna send a SOS to Team Prime."he said as I looked at him.

I moved my hand and just hit it. He looked taken back and then smirk.

He did send the SOS and we quietly waited in the dark cavern surrounding us.

Team Prime's Base...
(Ratchet's POV)
I sigh about to go to my bunker until I get a SOS on my monitor. I moved through the files and come to find out it was Wheeljack.

I pause shock. He never sent a SOS before unless it was an actually problem or unless Cass is hurt.

I clicked on a few buttons and made Optimus online to see.

Within a moment he got everyone to go to the island and search for Wheeljack and Cass.

I send an message to Ultra Magnus and they are going to the island too.

And once that mech is found...i am going turn him into scrap??!?!?

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